"Fire Release: Explosive Wind Dance...〃~."

"Stop being funny, your technique... I also know everything about it! Absorb..."

Nagato opened his palms.

Directly absorb all the opponent's power.

Uchiha Obito cursed secretly.

What the hell is that pharmacist Kabuto doing?

Nagato actually came over.

At this time, Keqing had already arrived in front of the three of them. The long sword exploded with thunder, directly cutting the opponent's body, and the long spike inside was not only taken out.

Even his body was destroyed.

Seeing this scene, Uchiha Obito felt a little panicked.

Start performing the technique directly.

Let all Chuuriki enter that tailed beast state.

Otherwise, such an attack would most likely cause him to lose control of all the Chuuriki.


Accompanied by roars one after another.

All the tailed beasts appeared.

Naruto and Kirabi also felt headaches.

Because the tailed beast fight is so crazy.

At this time, Keqing clasped her hands together and shouted angrily: "Flowers and fruits...the sky is full of thorns!!!"


Countless flowers and plants grow from the ground.

Sixteen clones appeared in front of everyone.

Not only that, those thorns also attacked the tailed beasts.

The first unlucky Erwei, its body was bound by countless vines, and the nails in its body were also entangled with thorns by Keqing, and the thorns pulled it.

There is also the slashing of sword energy.

The first tailed beast was freed.

Although the three-tailed Jinchuuriki was destroyed, the tailed beast was still under control, and Naruto and Kirabi were combined.

Directly crowd out the opponent's nails.

The second tailed beast also escaped.

"Okay...Uncle Kirabi, we are going to win..."

"Don't be complacent Naruto boy, our battle has just begun."

All tailed beasts are controlled.

Only two were rescued, and it had no impact at all.

Four tails.

Five tails.



Four tailed beasts appeared, and the battle began to heat up.

Sun Wukong's power of fire.

Spray towards everyone.

And Mona flashed in front of it and danced her palm lightly.

"It's destiny... This is my transition, don't make a mistake... Kitty!!!"


A huge pool of water erupted.

There was an endless curtain of rain in the sky.

Mona single-handedly suppressed the four-tailed and fifth-tailed beasts.

The huge water element also used its impact to knock away the six people who came for support.

"So strong!!!"

"Is this also a tailed beast?"

"No...it seems to be some kind of scary monster. Let's deal with Nanao!"

"Here comes uncle..."

Although it was a bit difficult for Mona to hold two of them by herself, it was still acceptable to her.

The water source turns into an arm.

He directly pulled the nails out of the opponent's body completely.

Two more tailed beasts found peace.

There are still six tails and seven tails left.

Mona was thinking in her mind and looked at the mission group of the heavens again, preparing to slow down a bit.

Otherwise, the fight will be too fast.

It will throw other people off their rhythm.

So, she pretended to be weak and started playing with Vulpix.

As for Nanao.

In front of Nine-Tails and Eight-Tails, it was like a younger brother being beaten crazily.

In less than five minutes, he fell directly to the ground.

Started to vomit blood continuously.

One can imagine the brutality of this battle.

"This way...only the Six-Tails is left! But...we still have to help Nagato. Uncle Eight-Tails, you take a rest while I go to help..."


At this time, Uchiha Obito was directly fucked by Nagato.

He could not be beaten to death.

The other party also has powerful power.

At the same time, chakra is unlimited, even if he has the power of divine power, he cannot withstand such a crazy attack.

"Damn Uchiha Madara, isn't the process over yet? If it continues... it will be dangerous!!!"

Obito was a little annoyed.

Because now the situation has become uncomfortable.

Tailed beasts are not only rescued.

He still needs to be beaten.


And in the cave.

Brothers Uchiha Itachi and Uchiha Sasuke finally arrived in front of Yakushi Kabuto.

Now that you know what moves will win.

It's actually very simple.

Various moves emerge in endlessly.

Until the final blow.

The opponent chose to enter the fantasy world!

".¨Reincarnation of dirty soil·Explanation..."

As the smoke dissipated, Xianren Kabuto's mission was completed.

And Uchiha Itachi's eyes began to go blind.

The body was glowing even more, and he was about to collapse.

Watching my brother's body collapse.

Uchiha Sasuke felt very distressed, but he also understood that his brother would soon leave him.

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