Maybe it's good to end like this.

After slowly losing strength.

The space became a little unstable.

And Otsutsuki Kaguya also fell into a deep sleep.

The ten-tailed body was sealed, and the other tailed beasts flew out one after another.

At this moment, everyone left this space together, as the cracks healed.

The Ten Tails and Space disappeared together.

Yae Shenzi came to Uchiha Obito and said: "It's time for you to fulfill your contract... Don't think about playing tricks. There is a price for opening the reincarnation eye for you..."

"Okay...I know! The art of reincarnation..."

The battle is over.

Uchiha Obito also understands the price of struggle.

However, he chose to resurrect many people this time.

Minato Namikaze and his wife were not the only ones.

Rather, a large number of people died.

For example, Uchiha Itachi had died in battle, and Uchiha Fugaku and his wife chose to commit suicide.

As one person after another was resurrected.

Uchiha Obito's newly rejuvenated body began to slump again.

However, Lemonia injects strength into it.

He managed to hold on.

Look at the body being reborn.

Namikaze Minato was very shocked.

"I...Is this resurrection?"

"Oh my God...the Fourth really resurrected."

"What the hell..."

"It's the natural art of reincarnation..."

Next to him were the First Hokage and the Second Hokage.

Looking at Yae Shenzi and others, he seemed a little confused as to why they were doing this.

However, Uchiha Obito did not resurrect them.

After almost a dozen people were resurrected.

Uchiha Obito couldn't bear it anymore, and he lay on the ground and started to vomit blood, and his whole body started to twitch.

Both his physical strength and chakra have reached their limits.

"Okay...that's enough for you, we...should you want to go together? Leave this sad world?"

"Of course...the person waiting for me has arrived."

Uchiha Obito wiped the blood on his face and walked towards the girl.

He resurrected his beloved.

Although I don’t know if the other party is willing to follow me.

However, look at the other party's firm eyes.

Uchiha Obito understood that the other party was willing!

"Mr. have to leave too. There will be a price for resurrecting you..."

"Hey... Understand, let me say goodbye to my son, and we will be separated from now on... Live well, and I hope you can fulfill your dreams.

My mother and I will live well in another world. "

Watching my son burst into tears.

Namikaze Minato comforted.

Because His resurrection came at a cost.

After defeating the enemy.

You must join Inazuma and work for him!

There were, of course, few wars.

This is already very satisfying for Namikaze Minato and Uzumaki Kushina.

As for Naruto's words.

This kid wants to be Hokage, so let's grant his wish.

The world will wither in this war.

It just needs people to work hard.

As for Uchiha Sasuke, he is ready to leave this world completely.

He has no hatred anymore.

The resurrection of parents and brother.

I am already very satisfied inside.

From now on, you can go to other worlds with peace of mind.

"Are you leaving too?"

"Yes...I am actually responsible for betraying Konoha and causing such a thing. Instead of returning to Konoha, it is better to go to other worlds...

Naruto, you are a very powerful guy.

Sorry, we have to separate.

In have always been my best friend, like a brother...".

Chapter 614 The mission is finally over, is the ninja world considered a war? It's just a village fight

Mission accomplished.

After the Ten-Tails was sealed.

All is finished.

Everyone also got the notification sound from the Zhutian Task Group System.

[Ding... Congratulations on completing the five-star difficult mission to the heavens and receiving a mission point reward: one million points. 】

[Tip: You can choose to return directly, or you can choose to stay for a while. 】

[Remarks: The stay time is thirty-five minutes. 】

Zhongli and others looked around.

Among them, the fox Yae Kamiko came to the Kyuubi and other tailed beasts and asked: "Are you staying here... or are you ready to leave?

If we stay here, we'll just leave

If you go to our world, you will have to work! !

There is no free lunch in the world.

Think it over for yourselves.

How to choose..."

Many tailed beasts, look at me.

Let me look at you.

The expressions are not very good.

How to say it.

If he continues to stay in the ninja world, Naruto will live for a hundred years at most.

This still means that there will be no war.

Once a war breaks out, they will inevitably become machines here.

Going to other worlds, Erzhu and others moved away again.

This way.

All I can say won't please you no matter where you go.

Nine Horns asked: "Will we be oppressed in that world?"

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