Even in the desert it is very scary.

The land is quickly losing its luster.

Lots of red and black plants.

They appeared one after another in place of the original plants.

The realm of death is the opposite of living things.

Devour all life.

Without the Eye of God, it would be impossible to clean up the Dead Realm.

This is enough to prove the horror of the Dead Zone.

Lots of flowers of the dead.

Blooming in the desert.

And in the black vortex.

The first one to appear was the Skeleton Lord hundreds of meters tall.

The other party's body was as white as jade.

In his eyes, a ball of soul fire ten meters high was burning.

And behind it is an endless army of skeletons.

Then came the withered clan.

They are the plant race in the dead world, which is the negative body of Hengnarana life.

His whole body was filled with the power of death and corruption.

It is a plant-based undead body.

Then, there is the manager of the Soul Forge.

The soldiers under his command each held strange weapons, and they were all undead, but their bodies were no different from ordinary humans.

The remaining two races.

One is a race in beast form.

One is an undead assassin.

Pure soul body.

The ground is being eroded rapidly.

Blood-red flowers bloom in every corner.

The leading saint looked at the familiar land and said calmly: "I'm finally back... Warriors, let us destroy this world and absorb its nutrients...

The Lord of the Dead has been waiting for a long time.

We should be the masters of this world..."

"For the Lord of the Dead..."

"Absorb the world..."

The soldiers roared angrily.

And the withered earth began to spread continuously.

Candice watched as the desert was swallowed up.

I was secretly glad that I was right to leave.

On the contrary, in the desert, there is a group of Gilded Brigades who are doing evil things in the name of the Red King.

Now I feel something is wrong.

"Brother...why do I feel so cold? Did...something bad happen..."

"Tch...you are all delusions, I don't feel cold at all, don't forget...our operation this time, I heard that the sages are in big trouble, if we can get the canned knowledge of the gods.

We can resurrect the Red King...

With the power of the Red King.

What is a mere ecclesiastical institution?

So what does it mean to be a mere little Lucky Grass King..."

"Ahem...Boss, my body seems to have run out of strength..."

"Me too...that flower? This is not a flower from the Dead Realm...Boss...why are you here?"


When everyone turned around, they found themselves at their feet.

Countless flowers have already bloomed.

These deadland flowers.

They are plundering lives like crazy.

But because they did not withdraw from the desert, they became nutrients for the Dead Zone.

These flowers will be sent directly to the death realm after absorbing nutrients.

That is why.

The Dead Zone has grown rapidly in recent years.


873 In other countries.

Watching the death realm spread.

They were all shocked.

It turns out that the destructive power of the Dead Domain is so terrifying.

Absorb life and feed yourself back.

This way.

They can only attack during the day, but the undead tribe in the realm of death have nothing to fear from the day.

So, now it seems... Lord Su Han chose to block it.

It's so clear.

"If it hadn't been for Lord Su Han... such a large-scale outbreak of the Death Domain, I'm afraid not only Xumi would be unable to bear it... the surrounding countries would also be unlucky."

"You have forgotten one thing. Because there are a lot of rainforests in Sumeru, there is naturally very little sunlight penetrating through. Once the undead tribe takes over Sumeru.

It will threaten the security of the entire continent. "

"Alas...Sumiru is really in trouble..."

"Hey... This is simply the fault of the sages of the Xumi Cult. Since the death of the Great Ci Tree King, these guys have welcomed the Little Lucky Grass King.

But in reality?

But he directly locked the other party in confinement.

Later, Little Lucky Grass King chose to escape from Xumi City.

If it were any other demon god, a mortal would dare to do this.

I'm afraid I really don't want to live anymore... And the Little Lucky Grass King is still protecting us. Such a gentle god... Where can you find it? "

"Yes, our God... will always love us, but it's a pity that we were deceived by the sages."

"Those guys should be nailed to the pillar of shame.".

Chapter 617 Thirty-six layers of formations descend, a place of destruction that covers the sky and the sun

With the downfall of the wise.

Many things are presented to people.

First of all, why do so many people wake up every morning?

The head will feel extremely tired.

Many people think that this is due to excessive studying during the day.

However, the further away from Xumi City, the weaker this phenomenon becomes.

And inside the city walls and Vimalakirti Village.

There is no one who wears the top of the void.

But nothing happened.

After being announced by the Witches Association.

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