True justice.

The real (Qian Zhaohao) method.

Su Han should be doing it.

Everyone kept chatting afterward.

But Paimon has returned to his cute little self.

In the midst of small talk.

Su Han said about Yaksha's problem.

"If you want to resurrect people who have died, in addition to their strong consciousness... you must also have enough power to pull them and look for them.

Find the needle in the haystack within the World Tree.

It’s simply too difficult! "

"So that's it... What if there is a token? It's a relic from your lifetime... Will the search be enhanced?"

Paimon's words were eye-catching.

Su Han nodded and said: "When I cultivate myself, I can give it a try..."

"Hehe, I knew this would work...but don't worry...let's deal with Xumi's problem first and wait until those cracks are repaired.

Let's start doing our best to rescue those people. "

"Well, I think so too."

Su Han said with a smile.

Chapter 628 The broken ancient treasure appears, Ying... Do you want to dance the water snake dance?

Sumeru has a lot to do right now.

For example, repairing space rifts.

Don’t underestimate these things, they always need to be fixed.

Although the big one has been restored.

However, small cracks can also cause big problems.

And...the problem of the dead zone has become much better now after Katakuri and many masters attacked it.

But there are still too many mysteries to unravel.

If the dead zone is compared to the world above the roots of a tree.

So, what has happened here?

Are they really worlds of death?

These are the problems.

However, before dealing with the problem.

Su Han still checked the fourth-level treasures.

Although I can’t afford it, it’s still ok to have an eyeful of pleasure.

[Broken Magic Weapon·Golden Dragon Scissors]: An important treasure from a broken world. Rumor has it that this treasure can transform into two dragons, killing all enemies with auspicious aura.

It has a very powerful sharp gold energy, one of the most important weapons for killing.

[Introduction]: The golden dragon scissors were refined by the ancient Yin and Yang dragons. They collected the Yin and Yang energies of heaven and earth, and were refined with the essence of the sun and moon as well as a variety of treasures to create a killing magic weapon.

[Grade]: Ominous

[Analysis]: It was originally in the hands of a certain powerful person. Later, the master was defeated and the treasure flowed into the sea. After an unknown number of years, the treasure slowly disappeared.

Its power also decreased, and now there is only one dragon left.

[Tip]: Although it has less than half the power, its power far exceeds that of ordinary fairy weapons. Once upon a time, a true fairy once destroyed a terrifying fairy beast with just one scissor.

[Special]: The golden dragon scissors will cause the storm to surge, and auspiciousness will be added to it... Without enough strength, it is impossible to resist it. Even the ancient immortals will retreat after seeing it.

[Price]: Twelve million points

[Restrictions]: Level 4 members

[Remaining time]: Thirteen days and six hours

Look at the treasure.

Su Han couldn't help but sigh: "I addition to buying special offers, we can save money to buy this fourth-level magic weapon...although it requires a fourth-level group member.

But there are almost some of you who can reach this level, right? "

faced his inquiry.

Yae Shenzi raised his little hand and said: "I still have two hundred experience before I can be promoted, hehe... I have been eating and drinking, and now I am the fastest.

Second is the movie...

And Zhongli! "

Five-star tasks are always refreshed in the group.

So the experience of many people continues to skyrocket.

So much so that now, many people have extremely high experience.

Level 4 members are not far away.

It can be completed in half a month at most.

After hearing Su Han's words, Lei Movie thought for a moment and nodded: "I also think it is necessary... It seems that third-level treasures can be bought, but...

The price-performance ratio is not as terrible as the fourth-level treasure.

Ancient treasures, even if they are broken.

Also has extraordinary power.

If you can get the Dinghai Divine Pearl last time.

It’s easy for us to sweep across the world, and we can even... put the world of Teyvat into it..."

"Yes, I also agree with what Su Han said... Then let the Eighth Level God Son participate more in the next task. In this way... we can accumulate ten million points.

We will exchange it.

Moreover, I can feel it...the special offer does not include such broken treasures. "

Lisa also had her say.

The horror of level four treasures.

That's pretty amazing.

Take the Golden Dragon Scissors, for example. They were originally Sanxiao’s magic weapon.

I used to be able to push back many true immortals.

If it can be obtained, a mere abyss is nothing.

The discussion ended.

Then they started to disperse.

Now, make up your mind.

Just work hard over there.

Su Han took Heulia, Ruoruo and a group of little loli to repair the space.

Paimon and his sister went to attend the celebration.

They had been doing tasks continuously before.

Now I just need a break.

You should know that the Flower Goddess Festival lasts for a week.

Once a week is once a year.

If you miss this time.

I’m afraid I won’t be able to participate until now next year.

(bcfe) The two people came to the city and found that there were many dancing girls showing off their grace on the streets.

In the past, I could only practice secretly at home.

There is no such law now.

They were completely let go.

Paimon looked at the person dancing like a water snake and said in surprise: "Oh my God... Xumi's dance is so good, I even doubt her waist will be broken.

Ying...How about you also learn?

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