In her opinion, no matter how magical the place is.

It won't make people that much stronger in a short period of time.

As for TV?

Sorry, this cat-eared lady never reads.

Cultivation is the most important thing.

Actually, there is one more thing.

Disiya cannot afford a TV. Her money is either used to save her children or is used for cultivation.

For entertainment.

Almost equal to zero.

Therefore, I know the horror of the secret realm at all.

Until he took the token and entered the gate of time and space.

When Desiya looked at the mountains churning with flames and almost all the fire elements in the air.

Everyone was stunned.

"Oh my god...what kind of place is this? The fire element is too strong..."

She closed her eyes.

Open elemental vision.

As a result, a flame rolled in front of him like lava.

Although she is a user of the fire element.

However, this is the first time I have seen such a paradise.

Just when Disiya was about to go to the Flame Mountain, the staff stationed nearby said: "Miss, please wait a moment, here is an instruction manual.

It's your first time here, so... it's very necessary to take a look. "

"What's the use of this kind of thing?"

"It's like this...Although the Flame Mountain is a paradise for fire attribute cultivators,...the closer you are to the Flame Mountain, the higher the risk. Don't think that the Flame Mountain is filled with fire elements and you can absorb it without restraint.

The flames on top of the mountain.

It is, the True Fire of Samadhi...the hottest flame in the world.

Even if you are at the level of a demon god, you still have to retreat from the power...

Do you understand? "

Hearing can lead the devil to retreat.

Desiya couldn't help but take a breath of air.

His eyes were full of shock and astonishment.

Then her charming eyes were full of stimulation and excitement.

If only that could be the case.

That was so cool.

I don’t seek to surpass the devil.

All you need to do is reach the level of an immortal.

"Okay...I understand!"

Desiya took the guide and strode towards the inside.


On the other hand, Su Han came to Otsutsuki Kaguya at this time.

Since the Kongming Stone can repair space.

Nature also serves as a stable framework for the space.

It just so happens that Kaguya also understands the power of space.

He wanted to see if the other party could produce a large number of small spaces.

Don’t ask for it to be carried around like a dust song pot.

Even if it is arranged in the room, it will be fine.

As a result, Kaguya's surprise for him was far more than that.

I saw the other party gently holding the hair beside his ear and saying with a smile: "I am completely capable of dealing with the space magic weapon... During this period of time, I took the time to go to the Earth Vein Ice Bed.

I communicated with Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng for a long time.

During this period, I discovered that the spells in this world are very interesting.

It's even simpler than my world.

Therefore, it is possible to create a spatial magic weapon without the need for the Samsara Sharingan.

Or a small space.

What are you going to do with the space?

I can make what you need according to your needs..."

In the world of Naruto...

The large space she created is almost as big as the entire territory of Liyue.

Su Han naturally doesn't need such a huge place.

Because of maintaining the stability of space.

A large amount of spirit stones are required in the early stage.

What a waste.

Therefore, he thought of creating a small space for constant training.

It is also used for R\u0026D technology.

Leylines of the outside world.

He was always worried that something would go wrong.

In the created space, not only the concealment has absolutely skyrocketed.

There can even be cyclical worlds inside.

Ordinary people enter and exit directly through the portal.

The real entrance is located in Qunyu Pavilion.

When he told his idea to Otsutsuki Kaguya.

The other party nodded and said: "Then what kind of place do you want? Mountains... lakes... plains... or the sea, I can create it..."

"Then add a large lake to the plain, and then the area is one hundred square kilometers! The internal time flow rate is the same as the outside world..."


Kaguya Otsutsuki clasped his hands together and began to refine the spirit stone.

About an hour later.

The door to twisted space.

appeared in front of two people.

Kaguya, on the other hand, pressed the seal with her hands, turned countless spiritual stones into space rules, and embedded them in the created space.




Gourds are flying.

When these inscriptions are completely fixed.

A space has completely stabilized.

However, because the range is too large 5.4.

Kaguya looked a little tired.

Seeing this, Su Han quickly held the other party's hand, fearing that she would fall to the ground.

As a result, the other party still collapsed on him.

"Are you okay? Are you feeling a little tired..."

" body is still a little weak after losing the fruit of the sacred tree...I'm really sorry, I have to practice for a while."

"It's okay... let's take our time."

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