"What did you say? Tsangikan..."

"Yes, sir... Miss Hyuga Hinata gained this power after coming into contact with Miss Otsutsuki Kaguya... and is currently sparring in the training ground.

The strength is very powerful.

Even if it’s Xingqiu and Zaomeo

They are no match for her..."

"It's interesting. I'll go over and have a look..."


It was originally a pair of eyes that Otsutsuki Toneri awakened by taking Hinata Hanabi's eyes and combining them with his own power.

But he didn't expect Hinata Hinata to have this power now.

Since he can defeat two strong men.

So, Hinata Hinata's power seems to be more than that simple.

When Su Han arrived at the training ground.

Hinata Hinata is sparring with Kurumi.

Her eyes are like Otsutsuki Toneri, always maintaining the power of blue, and her physical skills are very powerful.


Hutao saw that he could not attack for a long time.

He directly grabbed the flame spirit and threw it towards Hinata Hinata.

As a result, a layer of light flashed across the other party's body.

He actually used repulsion 907 to repel the flames.

Then Hyuga Hinata disappeared, and then appeared in front of Kurumi, and the Bagua formation unfolded.

"Seal the cave!"


Powerful acupuncture.

It landed on Hu Tao, causing her body to turn into flames and fade away.

"Hehe... It's not that easy to defeat me. Although your eyes are very strong, I... am not weak either... If magic doesn't work, just use physical skills."

The girl smiled lightly.

The spear in his hand ignited one of the Samadhi True Fires.

Light blue flame.

Even the space was burning and distorted.

A layer of terrifying power also erupted from Hu Tao's body.

This is her true power.

The Otsutsuki clan?

I really want to challenge myself.

As a result, when Kurumi teleported in front of Hinata.

A layer of black shield blocked the opponent's attack.

Otsutsuki's full attribute strength.

So she was able to make the Taoist Jade.

And turned it into a shield.


The attack is neutralized.

But Hu Tao's power continued to dissipate.

"Hey? What's going on..."

Until it was knocked away gently.

Hutao didn't even realize why he lost.

[I didn’t get home until 8:30 in the evening. I have the last day of my free time tomorrow. I’m sorry... everyone, I have to kowtow and lie down...].

Chapter 637 Hyuga Hinata’s power of time, reincarnation mode is activated

"Are you okay? Miss Walnut..."

"Hmm... You are really amazing. You were defeated without even seeing my power. It's amazing... Beidou, do you want to challenge me?"

Since I lost.

Then Hutao wanted to see if others could defeat this girl with blue eyes.

I saw Beidou carrying the Thunder Emperor Sword, carrying a bottle of wine, and said with a smile: "Okay... But let's make a deal first... If I win... you have to be responsible for a spicy boiled fish today. "

"It's easy to talk...Huh? No...you discovered the other party's secret?"

Hu Tao accurately guessed the secret behind Beidou's words.

Looked shocked.

The other party smiled and said: "Actually... the answer is very simple. Let's fight first... Let me say it first, Miss Hinata Hinata... My strength is not as simple as Walnut.

And I have discovered the secret of your moves. "

"Well... today is just for competition. I hope to perfect my own moves."

Hinata Hinata doesn't care about winning or losing.

She just wanted to see what the shortcomings of her moves were.

Minato Namikaze, who was watching from the side, touched his chin and said with a smile: "I see... the Haki of Kamiwensoku has failed, and it is not a high-end power like Kamiwensha.

Then the only answer is that..."

"Minato...you've already guessed the answer?"

Next to him, Uchiha Fugaku looked surprised at the Fourth Hokage's insight.

Is it still so scary?

Hear his praise.

Minato Namikaze looked at Itachi Uchiha and said with a smile: "Your children have also discovered the problem, right? Itachi... Do you want you to explain it..."

"Well... the answer is actually very simple. If... the power that can break the future is broken, it can only mean that... Hinata Hinata's attack directly jumped time.

However, the weirdness about the other party is not like this.

And... Miss Kurumi's power just seemed to have degraded to what it was before it was activated... This makes me think that maybe... Miss Hinata's power is to manipulate time!

Let time go backwards locally.

Therefore, all of Miss Walnut’s offensive was completely gone at that moment...〃~."

After listening to Uchiha Itachi's analysis, everyone suddenly understood Hinata Hinata's power.

However, even if you know the power.

It's not that easy to defeat.

Because, the power of manipulating time.

It was originally an extremely terrifying force.



This is all understandable.

Time is the domain of gods, a power beyond the reach of mortals.

Beidou appeared with the Thunder Emperor Sword, and the aura on his body was as terrifying as a boiling volcano from beginning to end.

The moment the battle is declared to begin.

She flew out directly.

Like a cannonball.

Repulsion strikes.

She didn't move at all, but the sword energy had already slashed away.

Uchiha Obito frowned and said: "What a strong woman... her speed is too terrifying. She was knocked away at the moment of the attack, but she still managed to move with her feet.

Directly transfer the repulsion to the ground.

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