Whether it's the first mission or others...involving Nuwa, Fuxi, and Shen-Nong.

Three strong men.

This kind of mission may lead to sudden death at any time.

Because of this, the difficulty of the tasks is very high.

But this time he faced the Evil Sword Immortal.

The difficulty of the task is self-evident.

To fight against the evil thoughts of the Five Elders of Shushan.

This difficulty level is basically full.

Moreover, the power of the Evil Sword Immortal is immune to Taoism.

All those who practice Taoism are unable to participate.

For example, 90% of Liyue's group members are unable to go.

And Yura had no choice.

She practices the swordsmanship of Guoshu Mountain, and the power in it also comes from the same source.

It's useless to go.

Rosalin: "So...this mission is to exclude those who practice immortal arts? That should be the meaning..."

Beidou: "Of course... I went to use it as a power bank, but of course I chose not to go!"

Wendy: "Oh...I still have to run away. I haven't even looked at the barbecue stalls here...Who, Miss Keqing...can you help me sell barbecue?"

Otherwise I really can't leave. "

Keqing: "..."

Just say you can't go.

The other party is the God of Wind.

Do not care.

You say go ahead, she is a dignified young lady.

Also going for kebab.


Xiangling: "Let me go. I happen to be in Xumi City... I leave this mission to you, Mr. Wendy..."

Wendy: "Hey... Thank you... Then I can participate, Zhongli... Do you want to go? Defeat the Evil Sword Immortal... We can fight again.

I will definitely have a good fight this time..."

Zhongli: "Of course I want to go...and Miss Yae should also go with me."

The upper limit for difficult tasks is fifteen people.

However, this mission did not show the specific number of people.

So, fifteen people... is probably the limit!

Add more people who come to paddle.

Actually it's not bad.

Lei Movie: "I will go with you this time..."

Hua Sanli: "I think it's okay for all the top people to go, but...I have a question here. What is merit...that kind of thing that seems to be described in a very powerful way?"

Paimon: "I know this... I know this... It's similar to the special power gained from saving the world. I used to listen to Su Han's fairy tales.

There is a description in it..."

Paimeng: "Merit... is the power given by God, which rewards those who save all living beings. After gaining this power, you can enhance your strength and practice your magical powers.

Can enhance the magic weapon.

no matter what...

This can be done, it can be said to be a universal thing.


The birth of this power proves one thing.

If we can gain this power, we can ignore the power of the abyss. Can you understand it this way? Su Han..."

Gan Yu: "If that's the case, I think... we have to do our best. Once we can get a lot of merit, it will be a huge profit..."

Ke Qing: "I think so... we lack the power to deal with the abyss."

Su Han: "Hmm... It's probably the same as Paimon said, but... the power of merit is stronger than what she said. For example... the life span is not enough.

Can fill life span.

There is not enough soul to fill the soul.

It's just normal power.

If you refine it into a magic weapon.

It's something that is inviolable.

Even after the golden wheel of merit is formed, the cultivator is immune to all attacks.

This law of all things is the law of all events.

Because it represents everything in the world. "

Nasida: "My wife... I'll go with you. Since I have to protect people, I think I can still put in some effort."

Pandora: "Speaking of which... there's no use for me to go, right? As for the Evil Sword Immortal, I have no interest in him at all... I recently discovered that sleeping can increase strength, so I'm going to sleep..."

The Scarlet King doesn't want to be unable to kill anyone.

Rejection is directly implied.

Su Han: "Oh... He is the body of evil thoughts, and you are also the opposite force. I even heard that there are many evil monsters in the Demon Locking Tower. If you are not interested, forget it..."

Pandora: "Ahem... I drank too much just now, but I can still go..."

The Scarlet King does have a temper.

· ··Asking for flowers····· ····

But, there is no way... She also wants to become stronger and eat...

It's just the power of the Scarlet King.

Eating something a little too bloody.

Su Han wouldn't give in at all.

You can only go to the mission world to eat.

So, this was derived.

Can't eat anything.

You say how uncomfortable it is.

This was what she meant when she resisted just now.

But now, Su Han was confused again.

The Scarlet King felt like he couldn't refuse.

Mandrill: "Is my Dharma useful to the Evil Sword Immortal... Immortal monsters should be afraid of my power, right?"

Although the other party ignores the Three Realms and Six Paths.

However, Buddhism was not developed in that world.

Su Han felt that there should be no problem.

......... .. 0

Let Mandrill go on the mission.

Now I have counted people.

It's almost done.

Rosalyn, Pandora, Lisa, Jean, Wendy.

Mandrill, Zhongli, Thunder Movie, Yae Shenzi, Hua Sanli.

There are now ten people.

Although the Zhuxian Sword Formation diagram in Lei's movie is most likely useless.

But just in case it is useful.

It's actually quite simple.

Diluc: "I have an idea now, I don't know if it can work... Lord Su Han, I remember... you have the mark of Nuwa, right? And you can also give it to others.

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