In this land of ice gods.

Everyone knows one thing.

The stars and sky are all fake.

But what is going on in the sky today?

At this time, one of the executives who had learned astrology actually saw Dadalia's figure in a water sign.

And among the assistants of one of the Emperor Stars.

I actually saw the shadow of Rosalin.

Along with Arecino, who had betrayed him before.

"This...could it be said that the new power of the starry sky has been controlled by those traitors?"

"Can you even control the starry sky? That lord's strength is too terrifying... No wonder the three executives betrayed..."

"Stop speaking, be careful that such remarks are heard by those fools. They will then destroy us..."

"Tch... Now the Fools can't protect themselves, right? They control four countries, and now they control the sky. Can we really defeat each other?

I wouldn't think so anyway. "937

"Yes...according to previous news, Nata and Fontaine were scrambling to participate in each other's Flower Goddess Festival, and now the starry sky has changed hands.

I'm afraid those two countries will defect..."

"Oh, let's not talk about these things... we common people just want to live a more stable life."

"Yes, Winter Kingdom was powerful in the past. When we came here... it was indeed stable for ten years, but I'm afraid it won't be stable in the next ten years."

"How much has changed in the past year? The world has changed..."

Everyone was sighing.

I thought Solstice Country was the safest place.

But who would have thought that things would change, and now the Winter Solstice Kingdom would become the most terrifying place.

Everyone knows that Su Han and Zhidong Kingdom are at odds with each other.

War has even been declared.

In this current situation, it is not possible to calm the anger of that adult simply by talking about it.

Release the Vortex Demon.

Instigate Mondstadt.

Blow up the Tata sand.

Not to mention Xumi, now all the crimes committed by those executioners have been made public.

And there is clear evidence.

Although everyone knows it.

The battle between countries will definitely be very fierce.

(bcfe) But such blatant evil.

No one can bear it.

What’s more, some of these crimes are committed against children.

The culprit is that doctor!


The other party not only killed countless children, but even directly disintegrated the lovers who once liked him.

This is no longer a person.

But a beast!

On the other hand, an urgent message was broadcast within the four countries.

It just explains the current situation.

This is a declaration from Su Han.

[Residents don’t have to worry. Although the sky is fake, but... the new starry sky is real. The starry sky you see when you look up are all the star kings under my command.

If you have any difficulties, you can pray at night. 】

Star Lord.


How could these people of Teyvat understand?

But, fortunately... the official directly released the information of 365 constellations.

At the same time, some knowledge of formations was also announced.

This way.

Everyone has a definite change in their view of the stars.

However, in the past, although looking at the stars, one could not see too far into the future and past.

But it can still be seen.

And now with brand new stars.

It’s not just about divination.

You can even borrow them.

For example, there was an old man in Liyue who deployed a very powerful formation through the power of stars.

Therefore, he is respected by countless people.

Within heaven.

Everyone is becoming familiar with the power of the stars.

Su Han, on the other hand, is comprehending the innate Yin and Yang Bagua left by Fu Xi.

As the ancestor of the formation.

If you can understand the other party's power.

So for mastering Zhoutian Xingdou.

It will be of great help.

However, Su Han was still a little careless.

Although he has never encountered difficulty in learning other exercises.

But there is such a thing as innate gossip.

Most people really can’t learn it.

Even Su Han felt a headache.

If you want to learn this kind of thing, it will take a lot of time, and Fuxi, as the Emperor of Heaven.

Plus the accompanying magic weapon.

Nature has been studied for countless years.

"It seems that we can only use that method..."

Su Han sighed slightly, and a layer of mist suddenly floated over his body.

The power of merit arises.

He is ready to burn his merits to gain enlightenment.

This method is quick and reliable.

Learn quickly.

Of course, ordinary people can’t afford it.

Because merit is something you can’t just get if you want it.

It's a very rare thing.

However, it is simply unrealistic for Su Han to comprehend it for hundreds of years.

Burning merit is already the best way.

With the mist rising.

When Su Han realized it again, it became simple.

The originally obscure diagram of the innate Yin and Yang Bagua became simpler, and he already had Yin and Yang in his body.

"So that's it...the innate Yin and Yang Bagua spread out through the Yin and Yang of Tai Chi..."

Su Han's eyes showed yin and yang.

The innate Bagua in his hand turned into a stream of light and penetrated into his body.

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