At that time, many pure water elves had been assassinated.

Far from home.

There was nothing she could do about it.

As for the identity of the assassin, Lotia once told that they were also creatures of pure water element, and... extremely lethal. They could even sneak into the bodies of animals and plants to assassinate them.

As for why the water god doesn't care.

They don't know now.

But Su Han felt that there must be a lot of tricks in it.

The water god never died in battle.

However, there is no guarantee that the other party will not be injured.

Excessive judgment.

In fact, it will also lead to taking advantage of loopholes.

Just like my previous life, those who used loopholes in the law to punish others.

They abound.

It was precisely because of this that Su Han felt that something was wrong with Fengdan.

"So, what do you think we should do?"

Faced with Nasida's gaze and inquiry.

He thought for a moment, took a sip of tea, lay back and said at the same time: ".¨The people who told Fontaine...want to join my system.

At the same time, I wanted to get the protection of the sacred tree, so I asked their gods to communicate with me.

Ordinary people...are only good enough to talk business. "

Although Su Han has not become a demon now.

But when it comes to strength.

But absolutely terrifying.

Even the devil will tremble.

Fontaine wanted to join.

Then let the water god speak.

Otherwise, he would never let Fontaine join his system.

Baiwen quickly took notes and left the place.

She needed to convey the news to that judge.

There were very few ordinary officials in Fontaine.

On the contrary, there are many judges.

First class judge.

Adjudicator II.

And so on.


Fifteen minutes later.

The third-level judge who was waiting for the result in Liyue got a reply.

"What? Let Lord Water God..."

"Master Su Han is now more terrifying than the Demon God. Do you think he has time to receive you? And you can't represent the entire Fontaine... You can't even decide the issues of your own city.

I know Fontaine is in a very bad situation right now.

However, Lord Su Han’s words.

This is our execution standard..."

Looking at Baiwen's cold gaze.

The white-haired judge couldn't help but sigh.

I originally wanted to join the Liyue system.

Now it seems that this idea is simply not feasible.

"Can I ask what problems Fontaine is encountering now?"

"Sigh... I don't know whether it's because of the birth of the Divine Tree, or whether the abyss regards us as a target. Since the arrival of the Divine Tree... the earth's veins in Fontaine are very chaotic.

There are monsters everywhere.

Many Qiuqiu people were also demonized.

Not to mention plants... sometimes I get attacked by vines when I go home! "

Look at the judge's lonely expression.

Baiwen finally understood.

The situation in Fontaine is very bleak.

And there was a big problem.

Chapter 668: Laying out Fontaine and Nata, destroying the town’s plant-based monsters

When Su Han got the notice.

He frowned slightly.

Lisa next to her said in surprise: "Fontaine has become like this? Is it because of the sacred tree..."

"I think there is a high probability that it cannot be separated from the sacred tree. If...the coverage of the earth's veins prevents the power of the abyss from pouring into our four countries. Then

The eruptions were concentrated in those three countries.

I think it's normal too.

And...compared to Natta and Fontaine.

The Kingdom of Winter should be the first to bear the brunt...because there is a huge abyss crack in the Kingdom of Winter, and there was once...the person whom the Ice God loved the most.

He just fell down in that place..."

The speaker is Wendy.

I can come and play in the new world.

Of course he is indispensable.

Now some analysis has opened everyone's horizons.

"So... our three countries are fine, but those three countries are unlucky... This... they must be under a lot of pressure, right? Do we need to negotiate..."

Ningguang looked at Su Han.

Waiting for his opinion.

If you want to intervene in those three countries now, it is a good choice.

Winter Kingdom will definitely not take action.

However, given Fontaine's would actually be good for them to infiltrate.

After Su Han thought for a while, he said: "Let Minato and Nagato enter Fontaine first... Ninjas are suitable for investigating intelligence, and let Kuki and other ninjas wait.

Enter as an assistant.

As for Nata, tell Beidou... let her go over and take a look. The world doesn't need her to suppress 937 for the time being.

If the situation is right, we can choose to be like Sumeru.

Start with border cities. "

"Okay! In that case... I will also go to Fontaine to have a look. I have been away for so long... I haven't returned to my hometown for many years."

Mona stood up and said.

Although her parents are both in Liyue.

But this did not prevent her from going to Fontaine.

His former hometown.

She was very familiar with it there.

And Lisa said: "Then I'll go to Nata... I don't think there will be any big problems in this world of fighting fire, so I can go there with Beidou so that I can be taken care of."

A friend of mine over there.

I wrote recently and wanted to meet with me..."

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