It penetrated the body of Mechanical Evildramon.

And the mission is half completed.

A large number of mechanical cities began to dissipate quickly.

Chapter 678 Why not try to collect the mechanical city? Souna was rescued

Ning Guang controls Unit 1.

With Koushiro and Yagami Taichi, they retreated to the nearby forest before the mechanical world disappeared.

This is the territory of Puppetmon.

The two ultimate bodies are closely connected.

They even helped each other.

Otherwise, the children would never end up in this situation.

Come out of the huge Unit 1.

Yagami Taichi and Koushiro quickly bowed to Ningguang.

"Thank you sister..."

"Well you're welcome!"

"By the way, sister... after the destruction of this mechanical city, my friends..."

Suddenly, Taichi Yagami thought of Meimei and the others and asked quickly.

At this time, Yula fell gently from the sky with a big sword on her shoulders.

"Don't worry... they are all resting in the Chensong Pot and receiving treatment at the same time. While being imprisoned by the Mechanical Evil Dragon Beast, they suffered a lot of injuries.

We have enough medicine. "

" good!"

Guangzilang looked surprised.

It would be great if it could be cured.

Youla touched Koushiro's head and smiled and said: "You are also very haggard. Come and have some food... Someone will handle the things on the other side."

"Sister, I suddenly remembered something..."


While enjoying food.

Taichi Yagami suddenly stood up and said.

Ning Guang looked at him with a puzzled expression.


At the same time, Guangzilang also thought of something and said quickly: "Two sisters, you need treasures, right? In fact, the mechanical city just now is a huge treasure house.

Although somewhat damaged.

But I think there must be a lot of useful stuff out there. "

"But... hasn't that city been swept away?"

Yura pointed to the empty darkness in the distance.

He said with a puzzled expression.

Taichi Yagami shook his head and said: "That's not the case... The Dark Tornado Mountain was forcibly absorbed into the sky by the four ultimate bodies, and it just retreated and returned to its original state.

I mean...

If you can go to the mechanical zone below, you can take away that huge mechanical city. "

Ningguang said in surprise: "It's actually like this..."

"Then what are you waiting for... The puppet beasts and the others should be able to deal with it, let's go... Ningguang! If we can get a mechanical city, it will help us.

It's simply too powerful. "

Although the underwater city can also be considered a mechanical city.

But it costs to build it.

It can be said to be an astronomical number.

Moreover, the power of technology inside.

It is not as powerful as the technological city in the Digimon world.

No... maybe it's better to explain it with a different technological level.

One is high technology, focusing on elemental power.

The other is purely technological machinery.

Produce various robots.

Or repair some machinery.

All very convenient.

The key... Hundreds of millions of molas have been invested in the undersea city, so you can just plunder the city in front of you!

Ningguang immediately said: "Let me go there in person, and you can take the children to support the other side. I feel... after the mechanical evil dragon beast is destroyed.

The clown king might make some moves.

Five-star team missions are not ordinary five-star missions.

You should understand what I mean, right? "

As long as you can form a team.

In fact, the difficulty will be stronger than the ordinary five-star.

Yura knew this very well.

The original crusade against BIG·MOM was such a mission.

The Puppet Beast's domain arm is the Clown King's area.

It was an area of ​​corrupted dark Digimon.

The death of Mechanical Evildramon is discovered.

If the other party doesn't take any action.

That’s too unreasonable.

Youla nodded and said, "Okay...I'll ask Taiyi and others to go inside the Chensong Pot. They can recover their strength, and I'll go look for the children over there."


The two have since separated.

Ning Guang drove Unit 1 and moved quickly towards the interior of the Digimon world.

And Yura wields a sword.

Start looking for traces of the children in the dense woods.

Probably less than twenty minutes.

Yula relied on her keen insight to find her first child.


It's just that the other party's situation is very bad.

Not only is there a bomb strapped to him.

Even his own Digimon have bombs on them. (bcfe)

Guarding this place are three perfect Digimon.

The strength is very strong.

"Damn... can Digimon be so scheming?"

Yora was hiding in the treetops.

Looking at the pale girl in the distance.

I couldn't help but curse secretly.

The puppet beast is so treacherous.

Souna and her Digimon.

Now a grasshopper on a rope.

Whenever one person escapes from trouble.

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