I can't bear this happening.

Because Awu and others are still children.

However, the puppet beast laughed loudly and said: "No... this is a game. Only this kind of game that makes the adrenaline soar can make people happy...

There are only four minutes left.

What should you do?

If it's slow it will explode.

It will also explode when time is up.

There are two people..."

Youla glanced at the nearest Awu, who was already a thousand meters away from her, and immediately burst out with the strongest power, like an arrow from a string.

Rushed over quickly.

However, the moment he just left.

Thousands of crossbow arrows were coming towards them.

These are all Digimon's unique skills.

Don't look at it as a crossbow arrow.

But the poison is not only quenched above.

It also has a powerful impact.

Even if you rub it a little bit, it will hurt.

But Youla's expression didn't change, and she punched him directly.

"Get out of here!!!"

A roar opened the gate of heaven.

The powerful force instantly tore apart all the crossbow arrows.

She was only five hundred meters away from Ah Wu at this time, but at the moment when she was about to get closer, Ah Wu fell directly into the underground pit.

Youra gritted her teeth angrily.

The enemy is well prepared.

Although I know there is a trap inside.

But he had to go in. The light of the stars directly enveloped his body, and Yula entered the pit.

Sure enough, at the moment of falling.

Then countless flames came.

But this is nothing.

Yura has strong defense power.

But he directly rescued Awu.

"Sister...what should Ahe do?"

The moment you enter, the door is closed.

In front of two people.

A picture of Ahe appeared.

This is a trap created by puppet beasts specifically to torture other people's minds.

"Taste the despair. You won't be able to get out of here for a short time. There are a lot of super alloys and mechanisms... Just watch Ahe's body turn into powder.

Hey Hey..."

Puppetmon smiled proudly.

However, he didn't even wait for his smile to end.

A bolt of thunder fell from the sky.

"Thunder Release·Qilin..."

The huge thunder beast fell directly from the sky.

Not to mention destroying all the institutions at once.

He also intercepted Ahe.

The ninja Kuki-nin appears.

Kirin, who studied with Uchiha Sasuke, and Kuki Shinobu were recognized by Su Han, became Star Lord's subordinate.

Now her strength cannot be underestimated.

A unicorn shot shook the sky.

Most of the thriller park was destroyed.

"Ah... Huh... Huh... I almost died!"

Ah He looked at the exploding car in the distance and almost collapsed.

· ··Asking for flowers····· ····

The puppet beast who saw this scene naturally looked extremely angry.

It controls the panel to release the kidnapped Digimon to continue playing the game.

However, a huge flaming arrow directly locked its tower from a distance.

An arrow penetrated the building.


Buildings collapse.

The puppet beast came out of it in embarrassment.

He resisted his hammer and cursed angrily: "Who...who destroyed my home!!!"

Answered Puppetmon.

It was a powerful slash from Beidou.

"Your weakness is your local area, little puppet..."

The sharp sword energy cuts through the sky.

Sweeping directly.

Feel the terrifying power of that slash.

Puppetmon was shocked.

He quickly fought back with an explosive hammer.

But even so, it was still swept away by the opponent's powerful force.

An originally tough body.

Then it was riddled with holes by the sword energy.

A huge gap appeared in the abdomen.

It can be seen how much power Beidou poured into this blow.

In the past, when fighting the Ultimate Body, everyone had to use a life-threatening state, but now Beidou has obtained the power of Star Lord.

He has been able to release this power alone.

Because everything in the body is full of rich and powerful star power.

The puppet beast fell to the ground and shouted angrily: "How dare you sneak attack... How dare you sneak attack me? Don't think that you can be arrogant because there are more of you...

Legions of Darkness, come out...

Destroy these guys! "

In the nearby forest, countless Corrupted Digimon emerged from it.

They are all subordinates of the Clown Emperor.

Fallen angel.

The dark bat of the fallen type.

There are also all kinds of weird things.

That adds up to tens of thousands!

Yonomiya and Kuki Shinobu looked at each other.

Two people started cleaning up, one on the left and the other on the right.

Having just released a large-scale ninjutsu, Kuki-nin can only choose close combat, but...even in close combat, her strength is still not inferior.

Fire escape.

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