But don't know at all.

What they thought was dessert turned out to be a poisonous snake pretending to be dead.

Even the fangs are embedded in their bodies.

What a ridiculous mortal.

At this time, Yafei had completely given up resistance.

The empire has fallen.

Now it seems that there is no point of resistance to the gods ruling the world.

Thirty minutes later.

The super large portal is established.

The royal family.

The three major families and the masters were all escorted to the Holy Land.

As for the holy city of Jia Ma Empire.

It will naturally become Su Han's property.

Of course, you can resist.

Then the price is that the soul is extracted and the body is directly destroyed.

Cross the portal.

Arrived directly at the station.

Yafei looked at the crowded holy land with surprise on her face. She did not expect the originally barren Wutan City.

It has expanded to such a large scale in a short period of time.

Moreover, people here do not have the humiliation of being slaves.

Instead, they were all discussing how to practice martial arts.

There were even two young guys practicing in the open-air fighting arena not far away.

Their fists bumped together.

The power produced is even more terrifying than that of a powerful fighting spirit.

But their age is definitely not more than eighteen years old.

Is this the power of the Holy Land?

However, when Yafei saw the scenery in the distance created by the Tianzhu Zhenxing, she became completely quiet.

The power of the gods.


A group of people soon arrived in the huge square.

At this time, Baiwen appeared in front of everyone, her red lips parted slightly, and she said: "Choose to surrender, and you will gain powerful power.

If you choose to resist, you will be destroyed!

Choose one...

Let me make a statement in advance.

Because of your arrogance.

The current identity and the past identity will be completely forgotten.



It's just a passing cloud..."

The implication.

They are already prisoners.

If you work for Su Han.

Still alive, otherwise dead.

Princess Yaoye raised her head and asked sadly (bcfe): "My lord...is there no room for relaxation?"

"Strength means the right to speak. You are not even as good as my lord's men...what qualifications do you have to negotiate."

Baiwen sneered.

A mere indigenous princess.

Do you really think you are a person?

You must know that all the ancient tribes have surrendered.

The mere Jia Ma Empire is nothing.

However, the princess looks a bit pretty.

Baiwen changed his voice and said: "If you are willing to be a maid for my master, I can save you from the fate of becoming a slave.

how? "

The imperial princess works as a maid.

This is so shocking to say.

But now it is a matter of course.

Yaoye turned to look at her sister.

I know this is the best result.


Is it really worthy?

The power of gods is something you can never reach.

Might as well take advantage of this opportunity.

In exchange for some benefits for those people.

"We are willing to surrender..."

Two princesses have been appointed.

Then Baiwen looked at the Miter family.

Ya Fei understood the idea and immediately led Hai Bodong and said: "Our family is willing to surrender, but there are some rebellions in the family, and they also stole the New World device.

He must have headed to Zhongzhou.

Where exactly, we don't know. "

She directly chose to sell those people.

Since they are ruthless.

I won’t get used to it either.

Baiwen nodded and smiled: "That's right... I can see that you are a smart person. For the sake of your frankness, I will give you a job as a commentator.

If the performance is good.

You can be a TV show host. "

Yafei is eloquent.

The mouth is like a flower.

As a host, it is naturally very suitable.

Moreover, the other party can reveal the family's mole.

Naturally, he also applied for a petition.

And Haibodong also gained attention.

As for the rest of the family.

It's very tragic.

They were reduced to slavery and had to mine for five years before they could be freed.

As for the other two major families.

Seeing this.

Who dares to pretend?

They didn't even give up on face, and knelt on the ground one by one to show off their abilities.

Some can make medicine.

Some are good at martial arts.

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