I finally modified my figure to look better.

Su Han nodded with satisfaction and then placed various materials around the core.

Accompanied by thoughts.

The core begins to absorb that material.

One kind after another.

After all these materials are injected into the core.

A ray of light began to appear slowly.

Su Han saw this scene and quickly put the drawings in.

Then, the other party had a body.

The doll was born.

Chapter 692 The battle doll maid Xiaoqing appears, with powerful calculation and insightful powers

The other party started out as just a small body.

However, as the leyline ice bed is absorbed into it.

Su Han saw the changes.

The blue substance turned directly into her jade bones, and the Samadhi True Fire turned into her heart.

Lots of material.

Absorbed completely by the artificial doll.

It wasn't until the body began to fix that Su Han discovered that the other party's evolution actually took less than an hour.

"It's so fast..."

All the materials around him were absorbed.

Even Sedum's Sacred Heart Lotus was completely absorbed by the opponent.

Although the body is born.

But the other party was still awake and still shaping his body.

There is constant coordination within the body.

Until the core in the heart orifice begins to cooperate with the body.

The artificial doll finally opened its eyes.

Star-like light.

Gathering in each other's eyes.

Very beautiful eyes.

A little bit hollow.

The other party stood up and said to Su Han: "Master, please set the character:..."

"Calm, wise and a little silly..."

"Settings completed, please set the function preference..."

"I prefer combat, and my secondary job is network and machine control!"

"Setup successful..."

In a series of settings, Su Han found that many settings can be blurred.

That means letting her explore herself.

As a result, Su Han did not continue to interfere.

Be prepared to let the other person grow on their own.

"All other settings are vague and you can choose to grow by yourself..."


In just a moment, the doll's eyes finally became shiny.

Slightly hazy.

Mixed with some curiosity.


With the injection of basic knowledge, the other party was relieved of some learning difficulties.

Su Han nodded with satisfaction and said: "Well, hello... Xiaoqing, from today on you will be my personal guard and practice hard..."

"Yes, Master...I will try my best!"

The little maid is very well-behaved.

But the voice was a little cold.

Compared with Keqing, she is indifferent.

But that doesn't matter.

It's this coldness that attracts me.

The sedum outside the door is about to fall asleep.

It wasn't until he saw Su Han coming out with the little Loli that he ran over and asked, "Is she the doll you made~?"

"Well, her name is Xiaoqing... It's said to be a doll, but it's actually the same as real life. This is Sedum, you know that, right?"

"Yes, it is included in the master's information. Hello Mr. Jingtian, and hello Miss Solanum Solanum..."

Because it's boring.

Sedum called out Nightshade.

He watched the girl greet him.

Nightshade said hello quickly.

Then Jingtian asked: "With such a small body, is she really suitable for fighting?"

"How about giving it a try? It just so happens that the disciples from Shushan are outside. We will know after we try it..."

The disciples of Shushan are very strong.

Although his strength is not as good as that of an immortal.

But each of them is a good player.

At least he can compete with Xingqiu and others.

Hearing this suggestion, Jingtian smiled and said: "Of course... I want to see how good Xiaoqing is!"

A group of people came outside.

The test battle begins.

The clothes Xiao Qing is wearing are the leather of the sacred tree.

So very hard.

It looks like a fluttering skirt, but in fact this battle skirt is harder than metal.

At this time, Artoria, the idiot king, was also called over by Su Han because she was bored.

"Do you want to see the battle between androids?"

"Of course!" King Daimao nodded, and then asked: "According to the progress of the mission, it will be time to go to the Age of Gods soon, right?

Can I come there then?

As a heroic spirit? "

"You want to go over and have fun?"

Su Han asked in surprise.

If he remembers correctly.

King Daimao doesn't seem like a warlike person.

Artoria replied: "After all, it is our world, so I am happy to be able to help a little. Even if it is used by the will of the world.

However, as a world... they can only do this. "

"I see, then...if there is a mission for the Mother of Monsters, I will let you go! Your wish will definitely be fulfilled..."


As he spoke, the battle began.

In the hand of the Shushan disciple is a flying sword.

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