Each figure uses different powers.

Paimon flew in from a distance, saw this scene and exclaimed: "Array?"


Xiaoqing actually tried the formation after becoming proficient in fighting.





"Four Spirit Seal Formation!!!"

The ground lights up.

Heading directly towards the shackles of King Da Mao 953.

The Four Spirits Seal Formation.

It is a very powerful one in the mid-range formation.

It requires the cooperation of four people.

Or the existence of the power of the four elements is required.

Make it form a small barrier.

Trap the enemy inside.

If there is no strong force.

It is very difficult to get out of trouble.

Therefore, the way to crack it is not to let the formation form.

Otherwise, even a strong player like Beidou.

It will also fail miserably.


King Da Mao shouted loudly.

The momentum is getting higher and higher.

Trying to break through the suppression directly.

It's a pity that her speed is still a little behind.

Xiaoqing is different from normal people.

Others still need to think about how to arrange the formation.

And the formation she uses is simply a formula.

The speed is more than twice as fast as ordinary people.

The explosive momentum lasted not even a second.

It was quickly suppressed.

The fog slowly dissipated.

Four spiritual energy shackles.

Binding King Da Mao in place.

"I didn't expect...I would lose like this! Ah Qing is so amazing..."

A win is a win.

To lose is to lose.

She would look her defeat in the face.

(bcfe) At first, I planned to give in to my opponent.

As a result, he lost the competition before it reached its climax.

Paimon also said with a shocked look on his face: "Isn't this doll's fighting ability too good? How did Su Han do this... She feels like she can do everything."

"Actually, the answer is very simple. I injected part of my battle memory into Xiaoqing's body core. It is different from the brainwashing of gods' canned knowledge.

I am the one who will fight for the understanding.

He also told the other party about the practice and use of the exercises.

As a result, you see...she can use anything I know with ease.

Even the swordsmanship has my shadow..."

After listening to Su Han's explanation.

Paimon was still sighing.

After all, this is how you create a master.

The speed is also too fast.

Yae Kamiko who was watching the battle came over and said: "Lisa's idea is right, such a master... is too terrifying, if applied to assassination.

The effect will be very terrible.

Perhaps few people can resist this power. "

"Maybe... It's very fulfilling to shape a living body like this."

"What? You want a child...I heard that you like children very much."

Facing the ridicule of the fox.

Su Han said with a smile: "Yes, I just want you to have a little fox, right? I just like skin when I have nothing to do... How is the fighting world?"

"It's not the same as before. The whole world is in a state of excitement. The fall of the Jiama Empire has aroused the fear and alliance of Zhongzhou. Now those guys have formed an alliance.

The name is: God Destroyer. "

"Tch... I really think highly of them. There must be a lot of moles in this alliance, right?"

"More than that, the core elders of a certain family want to surrender. The request is to extend their life... The other party's life has reached the end, and we only need our consent.

The other party is willing to be the mole.

Not only that, he can also give us all the family’s resources. "

The background of the world of fighting fire.

Many old people lack longevity.

And Shouyuan needs an alchemist.

However, either they cannot afford to hire high-level alchemists, or they do not have the materials themselves.

Ultimately, there is no way to extend life.

The appearance of Su Han gave these old monsters a glimmer of hope.

Maybe you can gain longevity by taking refuge in the gods.

"what do you think?"

"Okay, extend his life for a hundred years! Let's see what he can do. If it's just resources, there's no need... After we attack, the resources will still be ours."

"Well, then I'll have someone tell him."

Yae Shenzi nodded and prepared to get up and leave.

But a voice came from behind.

"I really want to see the little fox..."

"Bah...you are the devil! If you want a little fox, go find Hua Sanli. She is an old lady. I have something else to do today..."

"What about tomorrow?"

Su Han asked with a smile.

This time the other party didn't resist.

Because tomorrow night is Tan Fox’s emotional moment.

Of course I won't refuse.

It’s been so long since I’ve been in this world.

Su Han felt it was okay.

My own strength is almost enough to ignore the laws of nature.

In this case, the issue of heirs must be considered.

And Yae Shenzi is a fox.

Not to mention suspicious by nature.

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