The sight lines here are very poor.

Many boatmen or fleets dare not come to this devilish sea.

Because, the people who come here.

All disappeared.

Commonly known as: Devil's Sea.

Because there is not only boiling sea water here, but also some monsters often appear.

Someone once offered a reward for the information inside.

Unlock this secret once and for all.

As a result, none of the adventurers who went inside could come back.

Therefore, this place has become a forbidden area for the Adventurers Association.

Adventure is adventure.

If you die.

But it is no longer a concept.

And in the center of this sea area is a fiery red ocean.

It seems as if there is a huge sea eye on the bottom of the sea staring at the sky.

Su Han is flying with a sword.

Because of curiosity, many people came this time.

Including Qin, Howling Knight and others came over.

Of course, people from the video team also followed.

We are planning to film this 970 incident into a documentary.

Arrive at the edge of the Devil's Sea.

Su Han released the Meili.

Everyone took the boat and walked leisurely inside.

The moment you enter the sea.

Meyer, who is the spirit of the ship, said: "Master... there are many reefs in the sea..."

"Well, you can choose to bypass it yourself. Don't worry if there are enemies, I will take care of it!"


There is no light in the dark sea.

Diluc looked at the sky and frowned: "In this case, navigation is still a bit difficult. Let me disperse this thick fog..."

"how do you want to do it?"

After Fernand experienced sword flying.

It seemed much quieter than before.

He also seems to understand the gap between himself and others.

He is much more humble now.

Diluc chuckled and said: "Just watch it. As the leader of the Holy Fire can you do it without strength! The charm that never sleeps


The Sword of Rotating Victory! "

He flies into the sky.

The sun sword in hand.

It turned into a huge sword body and slashed directly towards the darkness of the sky.

A sword came out.

The sky was torn apart.

Those countless dark clouds.

It was completely evaporated directly by (bcfe) this fiery temperature.

Qin also jumped into the sky and shouted: "Sword of Storm..."

The sword of victory sworn in the hand.

A terrifying pressure erupted.

Attack directly towards the distance.

Mist in the air.

Instantly disappeared without a trace.

This power...even the Grand Leader can't do it, right?

Today's Qin seems to be no longer the immature acting leader.

But an extremely strong person.

Says she can now slay dragons.

Fernand believed it all.

Two knights appear.

Directly completely destroy the weird weather in the Devil's Sea.

This time, everyone's field of vision suddenly broadened.

Paimon lay on the bow of the boat, looking at the fiery red sea in the distance, and screamed: "Su Han... there!!! It's that place... the sea is burning red."

"Mayer, let's go..."

"Yes, Master!"

The Merry headed in that direction.

About ten minutes later.

Everyone came to the edge of this place.

King Da Mao looked at the scalding sea and asked, "How should we get in?"

"If you just dive in, there's no way you can swim!"

Su Han said with a smile.

And there is a beautiful barrier on Mei Lihao's body.

The hull of the ship then dives downward.

Today's Meili has been renovated.

It has many functions.

Even flying can do it.

As a submarine, naturally no questions were asked.

As the hull continues to sink.

Paimon saw numerous shipwrecks.

Of course, there are also plenty of monsters.

It seems to sense changes in water flow.

Countless monsters followed.

Su Han's eyes turned cold.

Terrifying pressure burst out.

The bodies of those monsters trembled, and then they lost consciousness.

Fernand looked at Su Han.

I sighed even more in my heart.

There is such a scary guy.

No wonder it can control four countries.

It seems that after being trapped in the Sea of ​​Ember Silence, many things happened in the world.

"The monsters here are good, but... with so many monsters blocking us, can the Grand Commander Falga really arrive?"

Paimon expressed great confusion.

Such a group of monsters.

It's actually very simple for them.

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