It was such a shocking scene to have his soul pulled out of his body while he was still alive. "Nine Seventy"

People's scalps went numb when they saw it.

The powerful saint fights within the Yao Clan.

Pandora used her fingers to tear the soul out from the top of her head.

The moment the soul appears.

The other person's body instantly shrank.

There was no more sound.

And his soul was placed in a magic weapon.

A blazing blue light lit up.

The patriarch burst out with extremely miserable screams.


"Don't burn me, I need my soul...I need my soul..."

The other person was inside the lamp, shaking his body constantly.

But the flame dissipated.

Until the soul is half burned.

A drop of medicine fell.

The soul is restored.

Then the smoldering fire ignited again.

Such a horrific image.

The remaining members of the Medicine Clan completely lost their resistance.

"No...spare my life...please, I am willing to be your dog!!!"

The Dou Sheng elder didn't want to become fuel for lamps.

However, Pandora said coldly: "If you want to resist Su Han, you have to see if you are qualified... Ignorant things deserve to die..."

The blood-red energy directly pulls out the opponent's soul.

Soon the second light fixture was formed.

And it burned violently.

Such a picture.

Let those who are from the Medicine Clan remain.

Liver and gallbladder split.

Yao Lao watched this scene, knelt directly in front of Su Han, and begged: "Sir... not everyone in the Yao clan is guilty.

Please also... forgive those who are innocent. "

He does want revenge.

But this kind of revenge is not what Yao Lao wants to see.

Your own tribe, if you can.

I still want them to live a good life.

Su Han turned around and looked at Yao Lao.

The other party didn't dare to raise his head.

Kneel down quickly.

"You have to know... They only hate me now. Those of you who have been to the world of Teyvat should understand the methods I use to deal with my enemies...

There is never any mercy. "

"Yes, sir...I understand very well."

Yao Lao looked miserable.

If your own people are disobedient.

It’s useless even to ask for it yourself.

Su Han often uses the most brutal methods to deal with disobedient people in other worlds.

That is to directly make them slaves.


Dig sewers.

All kinds of dirty work and no peace.

Although it won't be too oppressive.

But there is no hope, they are just tools.

Serving the world of Teyvat generation after generation.

If you are truly willing to surrender.

The adult in front of me will not be too cruel.

On the contrary, good treatment will be given.


That's why so many people follow him.

"Let's do select a group of people and let them serve me. Don't be clever. You should understand our power.

Once a betrayer appears.

The nine tribes must be eradicated, and their souls will light up the sky lanterns.

It will be part of the street lights for generations to come. "

Hear such a vicious punishment.

Yao Lao quickly kowtowed and said, "Thank you, sir... Many thanks, sir..."

After receiving permission.

He ran out quickly.

The people of the Yao clan were also very shocked when they saw Yao Lao's appearance.

When I learned that many people did not need to be killed.

Everyone finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Yao Lao said with a serious face: "If you have hatred in your heart, you can choose to leave now... I can guarantee that I will not kill you.

But if you are not convinced.

Then I can tell you that if you have some little thoughts.

All nine tribes will be exterminated.

The soul is in this oil lamp, lighting the thousand-year sky lamp. "

Hear the word sky lantern.

Everyone was terrified.

Because this is terrible.

All the fighting saints were lit up with sky lanterns.

What about them?

And the gods have many talented people...

Who dares to resist?

Even if you are looking for death.

Originally, there were people in the Medicine Clan who did not want to go against the gods.

And today's scene.

It proves everything even more.

"Yao Lao...Thanks to you for communicating with the gods and resisting...Whoever dares to resist will probably lose all their thoughts."

"The patriarchs deserve their punishment. If they cannot give up their identity, they will definitely be punished."

"Hmph...that's not it!"

"I always feel that I can compete with the gods, but I never think that I am just a mortal!"

"Yao Lao, we just want a stable life. It would be better if the gods don't treat us as cannon fodder..."

Looking at everyone's expressions, it doesn't look like they are faking it.

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