The dispersion of the soul must be very powerful.

Zhongli nodded and said: "If we can resurrect would be a good thing. The former Liyue...has a lot of credit for her in the end.

Although it is only an auxiliary demon.

But its influence is very far-reaching.

Some of the magic tools used now were made by her..."

"I heard... you... seemed to be? Then what..."


Zhongli was stunned for a moment, then fell into silence.

After a long time, he turned and looked at the stars in the sky.

"Once...she had that intention, but unfortunately...during the war, even I couldn't take care of others, just comrades..."

"You really don't feel that way?"

"You seem to be very nosy now..."

Zhongli looked at him with strange eyes.

And Su Han complained: "Ruoruo once liked you... you are pretending to be stupid... I don't know if he likes you after all."

"I treat her as a child, Dragon King Ruotuo. How would you feel if you watched a child grow up?"

"What about the end..."

"They are probably brother and sister. I think of her as my sister... I can understand the other person's thoughts... It's a pity..."


During the final battle.

After all, I asked him.

What kind of feelings do you have for yourself?

The answer given by Zhongli is.

Brother and sister.

That's about it.

He lived for a long time and experienced many things.

But it's your turn to have feelings.

But I don't know how to explain it.

In the end, nothing was said at that time.

Just a bitter smile.

In a smile.

Mixed with a lot of helplessness.

Finally, in the pouring rain.

The other party turned and left.

Leave only one sentence.

"I will defeat the enemy..."

So he left.

Until, the bad news came.

The enemy is destroyed.

And in the end... he didn't come back, but fell on that land.

No one knows.

That day, Zhongli drank a lot of wine.

No one knows either.

Zhongli felt so sad.

He once thought that if he had responded positively at that time.

Will the ending be changed?

Will you choose to evacuate wisely?

Rather than fight to the death with the enemy.

Whenever the rain comes.

The wind picked up.

Zhongli would always look in that direction.

The thoughts in my heart follow the wine.

· ··Asking for flowers····· ····

Eat them all.

A story about finality.

Su Han learned about it from Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng.

According to her description.

In the end, it was not only because I felt that Emperor Yanwang was a good person.

The key is to like him.

It can be said that it is for love.

Instead, they chose to form an alliance.

It's a pity that the two sides did not come together.

At that time, Liyue was under a lot of pressure.

Enemies are coming from all sides.

A war could break out at any time.

Just before his final death.

Several demon gods were killed.

Later, this incident also stimulated Emperor Yanwang.

Finally use the secret method.

Sealed the Salt Demon God Heulia.

A person's character.

It's really hard to change.

Unless something very serious happens.

............... 0

Su Han glanced at the Throne of Heroes, but there was still no deceased figure, so he ordered the others: "Stop the detection devices outside Liyue.

Centrally placed in Liyue. "


Since one is not useful.

Then activate all the devices.

He still doesn't believe it.

So many detection devices.

Neither can gather together the souls who have finally returned.

After getting the order.

Everyone started to take action.

All the devices are placed at the place where the Dust Demon finally died.

Accompanied by firepower.

Countless soul fragments.

They quickly gathered towards the inside of the device.

At this time, Zhongli handed something to Su Han.

"Maybe...this thing is useful."

"Huh? Earthly Locks..."

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