Su Han then looked at the second special offer area.

A series of things.

As a result, he didn't have time to watch.

When Su Han saw the attributes.

The whole person took a deep breath.

He didn't expect that.

This kind of thing will be refreshed.

[Name]: Bloodline Card·Blood of the Golden Dragon King

[Original price]: Five million points

[Discount]: 10% off

[Current price]: 500,000 points

[Introduction]: This is the blood of the Golden Dragon King originating from the magical world. Its power is very powerful, and it is the blood essence of the source.

The opponent's strength is beyond the ordinary immortal level.

The strongest combat power in life is the existence of the sixth level of the domain.

Equivalent to the golden immortal stage

[Efficacy]: After taking it, you can directly obtain the bloodline power of the Golden Dragon King. There is no need to refine it into elixirs or use other methods.

Taking it directly is the simplest and most effective

At the same time, there is a chance to comprehend the power in the bloodline

[Tip]: There is a high probability of understanding one of the powers of the Golden Dragon King. The opponent has six attributes: destruction, life, acceleration, gravity, reorganization, and time.

Its six attributes represent the six aura fields of the Golden Dragon King at its peak.

If you take the bloodline, you have a chance to understand its power.

How many types can be comprehended depends on the nature of the host.

[Remarks]: Among the six powers, the three powers of reorganization, time, and destruction are the most precious, and the time aura among them is one of the most terrifying powers.

It is also the original power of the Golden Dragon King

Manipulating time is the skill of every Golden Dragon King

With this power alone, the Golden Dragon King can use six methods including time pause, time retrace, time reversal, time deletion, time jump, and time travel.

[Time]: In this halo field, understanding the power of time also depends on your understanding and qualifications. With each level you advance, the influence on the power of time will deepen.

Time retrieval allows time to directly reshape the previous scene

Going back in time can make time go back directly. Which step you can take depends on the master's strength.

Time Pause: Time can be frozen, and time cannot flow within the domain until the ability is released.

Time deletion: All effects that occurred during the deleted time will be removed. If you are powerful, you can prevent time from being deleted.

Time jump: You can directly control the torrent of time and conduct a short shuttle

Time travel: truly control the power of time, time is your authority

[Special]: Because it is comprehended randomly, you will also comprehend the most rubbish power. This can only depend on luck. If you are lucky, you can comprehend two kinds of powers, or all of them.

[Note]: The bloodline of the Golden Dragon King is very repulsive to the strength and physique of demons. If you have this power, it is not recommended to devour it.

[Reminder]: The bloodline of the Dragon King is bound to be extremely domineering. If you cannot control it, you will be swallowed by it.

[Countdown]: Two days, eight hours and fifty-two minutes

"Is it possible to possess this...this kind of power? And it only has 500,000 points..."

"What? You said special offer..."


Su Han nodded.

And when Keqing read the second treasure, she couldn't help but gasp.

The power of that time.

It's absolutely terrifying.

Especially the power of time travel.

It is simply beyond the power of gods.

Keqing looked at the golden immortal and asked in confusion: "What level is that? Are immortals also divided into levels..."

"Golden Immortal... If we count them in terms of immortals, ordinary immortals are just called immortals, while higher-level immortals are called heavenly immortals, and even higher ones are called golden immortals.

Each level is a vastly different distance.

Above the Golden Immortal is the Great Luo Golden Immortal.

It is already the top level of Immortal. "

Hear Su Han's explanation.

Keqing couldn't help but take a breath of cold air.

Su Han continued: "In Bai Suzhen's world, the Tathagata Buddha may be the pinnacle of the Golden Immortal. Do you understand this?"

"Then... in the world like Dinghai Shenzhu you mentioned, what is the master's strength in it?"

"With the Dinghai Divine Pearl, Daluo Jinxian is no match, but the top Daluo... Dinghai Divine Pearl is no match."

"It's so scary."


"Hmm... That's why I want the fourth level treasures. The treasures of the Broken World are often refreshed in them. Once obtained, the results will be amazing."

"Then don't worry about it, just take this blood. If you can understand the power of time... it will be easier to deal with Tiamat, the Mother Goddess of Warcraft, next time."


Su Han nodded and quickly exchanged the blood.

And others get the message.

They gathered one after another.

Paimon, in particular, looked at him nervously.

It seems that there is some secret hidden in his heart.

Seeing her like this, Yingmei couldn't help but ask: "What's wrong with you? Are you afraid that something will happen to Su Han..."

"No, it's just... I'm just thinking that if Su Han gets this power, he will become very powerful."

Paimon didn't dare to look at his sister.

Instead, he stared at Su Han.

At this time, he had no idea what was happening in the outside world.

Because when the essence and blood are swallowed into the body.

Su Han was pulled into a golden space.

There was a dragon shadow waiting for him inside.

"Want to fight?"


"Even if you are the Golden Dragon King, I will not be afraid of you!"

Su Han wanted to draw the sword, but found it in the consciousness space.

I can't use the four methods of Qingyun.

Chapter 732 Completely Devouring the Golden Dragon King’s Bloodline, Stopping Those Who Are Not Affected

Unable to use the four methods of Qingyun.

Su Han tried to use Tie Shaiya.

Still no movement.

The same is true for the Sun Yao Sword.

However, Lemonia was the only one who had no problem.

Blood Demon Sword.

appear in this space.

Suddenly, the golden color met the blood-red scenery.

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