There is also a statue of Paimon taking a nap.

There are not only the marks of believers on it.

[Goddess·Sleeping Picture]

Even the saliva on it is lifelike.

Su Han laughed when he saw it.

"I didn't expect it to be quite beautiful..."

"This must be fake!! Fake..."

"But, there is still your signature here..."

"What? Impossible!"

Paimon looked along Su Han's finger.

I saw that on the back of the statue, there was indeed a line of golden text.

And it is elemental text that ordinary people cannot see.

Only those with the power of time can see this line of text.

[Although I’m annoyed that believers made this gesture into a statue, but...if you look closely, it’s still quite nice...]

Paimon looked at the familiar handwriting.


It totally wrote itself.

However, I really don’t have this part of my memory.

"Why is this so..."

"Maybe it's your previous personality, well...these statues are very artistic, hahahaha..."

"It doesn't look good at all, no... I mean, these statues are made of..."

Paimon didn't say anything in the end.

This is her statue after all.

It's the statue that's bad.

Or is the craftsmanship not good?

She couldn't understand either.

And Su Han knew that this was her embarrassment.

After crossing the bright square, we came to a long staircase.

While heading towards the palace.

Paimon suddenly asked: "If...I mean if I turned into another personality, would you still like me? Su Han..."

Looking at these familiar yet unfamiliar things.

She was afraid that she would become an arrogant and domineering goddess.

Su Han would definitely not like such a person.

Confront her concerns.

Su Han stopped, looked at Paimon and said, "Are you scared?"

"Well...actually, I felt very familiar when I came here, and some fragments came into my mind, especially when I just looked at the statue.

There is even a person talking in my mind.

The voice was cold with a hint of teasing.

That's definitely not me... but... it's a strange me.

I'm afraid

I'm really afraid...

I'm afraid you won't like this kind of Paimon...

Even I..."

The second time he looked helpless.

Su Han felt very distressed.

He hugged the other person and said gently: "If you are afraid, then let's leave... I will seal this place with stronger power.

If no accident occurs.

We'll never step foot in.

And...there is no shortage of fighting power now.

In fact, I came here... just not to let you continue to escape, and... to know what happened to you.

Will it be like a shadow?

There is a conscious body secretly drawing your power.

The elixir cannot disappear for no reason.

If someone draws power secretly, even if it is your own body, I will not forgive you.

983 Paimon...I like you very much, just like you like us. "

"But...what if the other party won't let me go?"

"In that case, I will let her compromise. There are many ways... Do you still remember that shattered ancient world? There is a method to kill three corpses in it.

If the situation is the worst.

I will pursue that method and revive you! "

"Well... In this case, I won't run away, let's go... No matter what, I have to face the truth! And I want to know...

What happened in the first place. "


Two people walking side by side.

Come directly to the door.

Within the clear gate.


The palace was empty.

Nor any servants.

Not even books.

There is only one magnificent throne.

Beyond that is Paimon’s iconic star.

Ceiling inside the palace.

It is a sea of ​​stars.

Su Han took a look and said, "This is the starry sky of Teyvat..."


"Ah what... I guess you might have done something terrible back then. Let's go... maybe I know what happened to you."



The two walked side by side.

The moment you step into the palace.

A change has occurred.

Chapter 737 Sacrificing himself to fulfill the goddess of Teyvat, Su Han affected the flow of time

Golden light.

It directly enveloped the entire palace.

And Paimon's body continued to grow larger in that light.

Until it is like the law of heaven.

That's the end of having a slender figure and long legs.

Su Han looked at each other quietly.

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