Now I have to live at home.

Namikaze Minato smiled at Uzumaki Kushina and said, "Let's go too... Even though we are dealing with the undead, I think we can kill a lot of enemies."

"Well, while we don't have children now, we need to save more money."

The two are planning to have another child.

However, they didn't want their children to suffer like Naruto.

Therefore, this mission is a choice.

Konan and Nagato also plan to show off their prowess through this mission.

As for other ninjas, they thought the same thing.

In the world of fighting fire.

After receiving the battle order.

Those fighting kings and fighting saints also had their thoughts welling up.

"It's really interesting to participate in a war in another world, and we are still undead... Let's go!!!"

"You can redeem treasures by killing the undead. This kind of good thing cannot hold us back."

"It's okay even if it's just for fun."

This is something to please Lord Su Han.

No one wants to slack off.

Likewise, the Yao Clan and the Ancient Clan don’t want to miss this opportunity.

It's a pity that the list Su Han gave only two hundred people.

There is simply not enough to distribute.

Chapter 742: Disaster in Quel'Thalas, Aolai Sanshao takes advantage of his powerful moves

For example, in Canaan College.

There will be a large number of people to participate.

Both the Ancient Clan and the Yao Clan have them.

Everyone wants to prove their strength.

I also want to please Su Han.

But the result is that the personnel list is simply not enough.

Ever since, it turned into a problem.

Who can go?

After final discussion.

By unanimous decision.

All high-ups go.

And whittled it down to a very precise list.

And in the fox demon world.

Third Young Master Aolai and his sister Liu Er heard the news.

It is also a race that returns non-stop.

Prepare to plan this battle.

"This is our Huaguo Mountain's opportunity to show off our power. Sister, I'm ready to take action directly with the Dinghai Shenzhen to try to give them a good start.

Directly open the world with one stick.

Let's have a full house.

Ha ha ha ha..."

"Well, there are quite a lot of people going this time. We at Huaguo Mountain can't lose face. I heard before that the ninja army is a very mysterious and powerful existence.

Especially the Uchiha clan, and that Minato Namikaze.

It cannot be underestimated. "

"Of course, I'm ready anyway, my injuries have been healed, and I will definitely let those ninjas see my power..."

Looking at his confident brother.

Liuer also smiled with satisfaction.

And in Inuyasha's world.

This is also the case.

Fairy Lingyue said to Sesshomaru: "If you want to prove yourself, this must be the best opportunity... At the same time, my husband gave me a hundred places.

It is already equivalent to the entire quota in other worlds.

Don’t let it down…”

"Ok, I know!"

Sesshomaru said coldly.

At the same time, I also want to prove myself.

When everything is ready.

Su Han began to submit this list.

Soon the mission began.

A large number of people are preparing to enter this copy.

Accompanied by beams of light.

Everyone went to the world of Azeroth.

The war against the undead.

It also started.


At this time, in the world of Azeroth.

Arthas was looking at the map.

Under Su Han's planning, he is now firmly in the position of king.

There is a lot of intelligence at the same time.

His current strength can be said to be very strong.

"Your Highness, there is information from the front. Something happened in Quel'Thalas... The army from Northrend appeared there desperately.

It seems that the barrier of the spirits is about to be broken~. "

"The results of it?"

"Yesterday morning, the powerful magic circle of the elves was destroyed, and the undead tribe marched straight in, and now they have lost five percent of their territory.

And the situation is still expanding.

It's very possible that they are in big trouble this time! "

"Damn you guys...don't you understand that I have given them information?"

"Your Highness, you also know that the elves are arrogant, and maybe you don't take it to heart at all!"

"These damn guys..."

Alsace was furious.

However, suddenly he remembered something.

So, he stood up and said to his subordinates: "Come here, prepare for battle, we cannot allow the undead to do such evil.

Gather a portion of the Legion of Light.

We rush to the front. "

"It's my lord..."

Now no one dares to disobey His Highness the Prince's order.

After experiencing the last incident in Stratholme.

The reputation of Prince Alsace has reached a high level.

His actions now.

There must be a deep meaning.

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