If you don't fight for it.

I won’t even be able to drink soup by then. "

Hear her words.

Ancient tribe.

Medicine clan.

There are also people from Canaan College.

They all started fighting in other directions.

Its destructive power is great.

Although not as good as cheaters like Uchiha.

However, it is much stronger than Sesshomaru's subordinates.

Compared to these people.

Mondstadt's Knights seemed much more regular.

One hundred people.

Invasion bombarded by various Holy Light moves.

It can be said that they swept away a large number of undead soldiers, and the Holy Light Knights who came to support from a distance were dumbfounded.

What's going on?

The power of these people.

Why is it so terrible.

Moreover, it is also the Holy Light.

How do you feel this power?

So much stronger than theirs?

At this time, as the leader of the Knights, he had actually seen the clues.

"This should be the use of high-end domineering energy. There are actually people among us who use this power, but they are obviously not as skilled as the other party..."

"Sure enough, I saw their appearance. All lined up... to help resist the undead!"

"Yes, Your Highness."

The person in front of the Knights of Light is none other than others.

It was the prince of Lordaeron.


In fact, he is now a king.

The old king now gave him all the power.

Stratholme handled successfully.

Let the old king see hope.

So, now he is the ruler of the country.

Army of the Undead in just two hours.

More than 50% of the number was directly destroyed.

Such a terrible attack.

It's the person who secretly planned it.

I also felt frightened.

this is too scary.

Who could have such powerful power?

Those guys flying in the air.

The power used was so powerful that it was terrifying.

"Speed ​​up...try to wipe out all the undead on the land before evening."

"Yingqi, let's combine our swords and destroy all the nearby magic buildings!"


The sword fairy takes action.

The real horror has just begun.


A mysterious light flashed.

The Tower of the Dead on the plain was instantly destroyed.

It was originally built from countless dead bones and elven corpses.

Annihilated in this moment.

The undead lich was still roaring angrily.


The sword light flashed.

Directly destroy his soul.

Immortal cultivation moves.

But there are those specifically for the soul.

Although these lichs are invincible in this world.

But in fact, in front of Su Han's men.

But it can't be filled at all.

Sedum in the distance said to Nightshade: "Sister... let's take action too. I'm really happy to be able to play here this time..."

The red-haired Nightshade nodded and said, "Good brother... let them see how powerful we are..."

· ··Asking for flowers····· ····

An exaggerated bow and arrow.

appear in its hands.

This is the immortal weapon that Su Han specially asked Totozai to create.

Shaped like a phoenix.

Countless treasures were spent.

It's called: The Fall of Skyfire.

"This is killing like a meteor flame... Take the move, the sky fire comes to the world..."

Nightshade bends the bow and sets an arrow.

Countless heavenly fires burst out from the bow and arrow.

Terrible power.

Like a meteor shower.

Falling down like crazy.

Every arrow.

All with a terrifying impact.

The fall of every arrow.

All enemies will be completely destroyed.

Although Nightshade's destructive power is not as violent as Aolai Sanshao's.

Nor is he as artistic as Namikaze Minato.

However, the power of Nightshade Nightshade is no less than that of the two people.

Exploding arrows.

Every shot falls.

They are all like a cannonball.

And when Nightshade is attacking.

A fortress appeared among the clouds in the sky.

It seems that the other party also discovered Nightshade.

A violent laser blast.

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