After all, I have a lot of interest in this queen.

If you can get some of the other party's treasures.

This must be very interesting.

At this moment, Su Han and the group members came to Muradin Bronzebeard.

"You hold the army back while I go rescue the mission target..."

"Yes, sir!"

Everyone said in unison.

Chapter 746 I am saving Sylvanas, so what will you do? Su Han attacks the Bronze Dragon King

Not everyone in the group is here.

There were only about five people.

However, these people are enough to resist these Scourge Legions.

Su Han directly used time pause.

Get ready to rescue the Ranger General.

Only when he uses power.

But it was enveloped by a very powerful force of time.

Golden light meets golden light.

Su Han appeared in a strange time and space that was different from reality.

Look at those flying bronze dragons.

And the majestic man standing in front of him.

Su Han understood what happened this time.

The bronze dragon had expected this.

It is yourself who is waiting.

"Sure must be the leader of these people from another world. This is a very strange state...similar to the arrival of a soul body, but this is not the origin of your soul.

Well... there is also the powerful power of time.

With your strength.

It’s no big deal to challenge our Dragon Kings..."

"So, what's the matter with bringing me here...I'm very busy and don't have time to chat with you!"

Once the time is over.

The Ranger General perished.

His mission also failed.

So 12, chatting words.

You have to wait until you rescue Sylvanas.

I could see his anxiety.

The Bronze Dragon King looked at Sylvanas in the Scourge Legion below and said: "Your target is this Miss Ranger, right?"

Let's be should understand.

I don’t want you to take action..."

"You can try to stop me, and... the flow of events in your world is chaotic, what does it have to do with me... Time is broken!"

Golden power exploded.

Su Han broke free from Nozdormu's power.

Fly directly downward.

Countless bronze dragons were shocked.

They didn't expect it.

This human's strength is so terrifying that even the Dragon King can break free.

Not only that.

The other party even used the power of time to fly towards the ranger lady.


Time speeds up.

Time pauses.

Time to delete.

It only lasted five seconds.

Su Han and Ten Thousand Soldiers rescued Sylvanas.

The other party is even still worried.

After his own death.

A time when older sisters and younger sisters would be so sad.

The next second, he saw himself being saved by a human man.

The other person has silver hair.

He looks very handsome.

Moreover, Sylvanas admitted that she was a little tempted.

Before she could ask the other party's identity.

A man with the appearance of an elf appeared in front of the two of them.

"Sir, you have saved the Ranger General who should have died. Can we talk now? Your people are very powerful. Defeating the Scourge is no longer a problem.

Seriously...our bronze dragonflight.

Neither is your opponent.

I just have some questions and want to ask, and I don’t mean to be an enemy to you.

You can see my sincerity.

I will not stop you from saving this young lady..."

Listen to what the other person says.

Sylvanas's pupils shrank sharply.

This mysterious man in front of me is actually the Bronze Dragon King?


Although she boasts that the elves are powerful.

But facing the five dragon kings.

Still a little apprehensive.

Because the strength of both sides is not at the same level at all.

And listen to what the other person says.

He seemed to be mortal.

On today's day.

If there is no man beside you, you will definitely die.

Su Han heard this and said, "Do you want to ask...or do you want to know?"

"Well...if I really want to say something, it's probably what your subordinates said last time, saying something that made me enlightened. I want to hear your opinion on our bronze dragon.

You are responsible for everything that happens in Azeroth.

What kind of view will it be? "

simply put.

The old Dragon King was confused.

I originally thought that Arthas would not become the Lich King.

Naturally, no elves would be captured.

As a result, something like this.

Still happened.

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