However, after Alsace's attempts.

It directly shocked the entire high-level human race.

Because this power can defeat the dragon.

When exploring somewhere before.

Encountered an unreasonable black dragon.

And that strong human being.

He defeated the black dragon alive with his fists. At the same time, he felt the crazy blood in the opponent's body and used magic to purify it.

"Now in my kingdom, I have very powerful dominance, and most of the human power has been conquered by me. Now we are secretly collecting intelligence about the ancient gods.

Sure enough, it is the same as the information you gave me last time.

Several ancient gods are very terrifying.

Especially that Yogg-Saron. "

"Well, just keep doing this. As for the orcs in the Barrens, what do you think?"

"To deal with the orcs, I have only one choice, surrender...or become a slave! These guys who only think about fists are not worthy of coming to Azeroth.

They were originally in Draenor.

However, what kind of state was that country tortured to death by them?

If you come to Azeroth to recuperate, that's all.

But they started wars with various tribes.

For these chaotic and stinky things, only death is their true destination! "

Alsace's thoughts coincided with Su Han's.

A bunch of garbage orcs.

Don't deserve to live on Azeroth.

Draenor was once a beautiful planet.

Surrounded by woods.

But what?

These brainless guys will only start a war.

Not to mention the Hellscream family.

Just those stinky orcs.

Su Han couldn't bear it.

Death is the destination of these guys.

A brain full of muscles.

No resourcefulness at all.

This kind of thing is only worthy of getting out of here.

The two men laughed.

Then Su Han took out some meat and wine.

We started drinking together in the wind and snow.

Of course, he doesn't drink alcohol and uses juice.

And Alsace is the spirit to taste.

"It would be great if I could go to your world and have an adventure once in my lifetime, but unfortunately... I am the king, and I'm afraid there is no chance of this wish coming true.

There are so many problems in our world.

If it were those Titans.

It really does something.

It won’t be like this..."

"That's right, a lot of wars have caused Azeroth to be injured. In fact... the existence of the ancient gods is the biggest problem.

Let’s talk about this time first.

After all, time is limited.

Within the Scourge, the temporary Lich King was defeated by me. Their target is no longer on you, but on others.

The most important thing is to go to Icecrown Citadel early and destroy those guys.

You can unite with people from the tribe to go together.

If you're lucky.

I'll come and help you deal with it.

If you are unlucky, you will have to wait until you deal with Yogg-Saron. "

"Well, I understand... Now I have gathered 150,000 troops and are training hard. I have a lot of plant seeds you gave me.

Now I don’t have to worry about the food problem at all. "

Arthas recounted everything that had happened recently.

The king did many things without knowing it.

Military reform.

National reform.

Various policies.

At the same time, secretly investigate those spies.

The whole of Dalaran was unknowingly controlled by this king.

Don't think it's difficult.

In fact, it can be done as long as you take out enough benefits.

For example, those spiritual foods.

There is also a way to live forever.

Real magic.

It can continuously change your physique.

Plus the Dalaran spy he exposed.

As a result, the whole of Dalaran was very embarrassed.

After all, he was invaded and even instigated rebellion.

It was really uncomfortable.

The two parties communicated for a while and exchanged materials.

Among them, there were slaves of many races.

For example, naga... murlocs and orcs.

Alsace was very decisive in his work.

In fact, he also wanted to catch some elves.

But considering the power of the elves, they did not choose to take action in the end.

On the occasion of parting.

Su Han said to Arthas: "If you have the opportunity, contact the elves more. I mean... Teldrassil, as for the reason.

I think you should know..."

"How about the Emerald Dream..."

"Okay, that Green Dragon Queen, please remember to send the messenger, I also want to contact her... You just need to tell her that the nightmare is actually deep in the Emerald Dream.

It never disappeared..."

"okay, I get it!"

Until the snowstorm outside ends.

Su Han was ready to leave.

Because Wendy and others have already received the system prompt.

The mission has been completely accomplished.

It's time for everyone to evacuate.

"I hope that when we meet next time on 5.4, you will become stronger... and at the same time, the world will become a better place."

"Well, I hope so too!"

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