So, hehe... I want to follow you to this world to play, even though it is just a split body of mind.

But I think it's very simple to control this witch's consciousness.

It's just a hypnosis..."

Everyone heard this.


Especially Lisa, she didn't expect it at all.

Everything to go to Silvermoon City by yourself.

They are all controlled by the other party!

Approaching the Sunwell was even so smooth.

They are all hints from the other party.

This power is too terrifying.

For a moment, everyone became alert.

Su Han explained: "Don't worry, although Ai-chan has used Lisa, her current power is not strong...

If it were on that planet.

The influence of the other party is still great.

You can understand it as a creation god..."

"Oh, don't praise me like that... I haven't hatched yet, but it's really hateful... Ancient God, Shadow Realm...

They all come to trouble me!

Is there any way to get rid of them..."


Su (bcfe) Han was speechless.

Is this really Ai Jiang?

By the way, when did Ai-chan become like this?

How come he's like a bandit?

"Why don't you speak... Do you think this is not me? Alas... That's a bad statement. In fact, I have suffered a lot. As for language...

Just read one person.

I find you like this straightforwardness. "

"Okay. But...if you come here, you must not only chat with us, but you can tell us what you need!"

"As for me, it's actually nothing... The main thing is that I want to see if I can go to other worlds. I really don't want to suffer in that world...

Boss Su Han, please help me... Ai Jiang is very good! "


The people around him were completely speechless.

Who is studying this?

In the end, everyone's eyes fell on Yae Shenzi.

I guess that's what this fox would do.

Su Han thought for a while and asked: "Then how do you get rid of that planet? You won't be able to hatch it for at least a hundred years..."

Azeroth was not born at least until he traveled through it.

After all, Blizzard can't let the other party come out.

There is no relevant plot.

However, within the Ny'alotha version.

Gain the protection and support of Azeroth.

This is the first time players have close contact with Azeroth.

At the same time, that desert is also the heart of Azeroth.

Every heartbeat can be heard.

Ai Jiang coughed lightly and replied: "My heart is actually the most important place. You know where my heart is, right? As long as you have a way to take out my heart."

I can leave with you.

Of course, I would definitely be injured by doing this.

But to get away from that disgusting thing.

It's all worth it. "

"But... what will happen to that planet if you do this."

"Lose your agility, but...they are all nourished by me, do they still want to continue sucking my blood?"

Faced with Ai-chan's rebuttal.

Su Han was speechless.

After all, there is everything in the world of Azeroth.

They are all derived from this person.

Negotiation is over.

Ai-chan went out to play with Lisa.

Su Han is accepting this reward.

He wanted to see if the difficulty of the mission was increased.

How much reward will you get?

[Ding... Congratulations to the group members for completing the five-star team's difficult mission in the heavens. As the group leader, you will receive an additional reward for the mission: 400,000 points. 】

[Ding... Congratulations to the group members for completing the five-star team's difficult mission in the heavens. As the group leader, you will receive the mission reward: an Azerite fountain. 】

[Azerite Source]: The essence and blood from the source of the planet in the world of Azeroth can be regarded as the essence of the world and the most critical treasure in the world.

Not every world has treasures like Azerite.

At the same time, not every world will have people willing to dedicate

Without the consent of the planet, the All-Heaven Mission Group cannot forcefully plunder it.

[Introduction]: The source of Azerite, the essence and blood belonging to the world, is also the most important thing on the planet, and has unimaginably powerful magic power.

At the same time, all omnipotent things can be derived

By adding it to the treasures, you can be directly promoted to an immortal weapon or a stronger existence.

It can even be strengthened into an artifact

If you absorb it directly, you will be promoted to a god.

The soul will not be destroyed

[Introduction]: Azerite source, if placed directly into the earth's veins, it can take effect directly. At the same time, it has a very powerful help for the earth's veins and the planet.

It can be said to be a more terrifying treasure than space repair.

It's a truly top-notch god

It is a four-star treasure within the Zhutian mission group.

And the price will be very high

[Tip]: If you absorb it directly, you must absorb it bit by bit, otherwise the powerful source of Azerite will directly destroy your body.

At the same time, the soul will be completely destroyed

Therefore, whether it is refining weapons or cultivating, you can only absorb a little bit.

Then slowly fill it in

[Remarks]: If you want to absorb it, you can start from the essence vein. If you want to refine the weapon, you can place the weapon in the ley line in the Azerite source.

After being warmed up, it will naturally evolve into powerful artifacts and immortal weapons.

[Reminder]: Injecting Azerite source into the earth's veins will change the climate and environment of a world, similar to increasing magic power.

At the same time, it will fill the earth with spiritual energy, a very rare treasure

[Special]: This is the spirit of the world of Azeroth, a treasure specially given to the host.

Chapter 753 Even Nuwa was alarmed by the powerful World Blood Azerite

"Is it another gift from the world?"

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