If the other party doesn't stop.

He will definitely be beaten to death.

This is no illusion.

Rather, it was the pressure given by Su Han.

The other party can really do it.

The body flew out uncontrollably.


There was a loud bang.

The Platinum Queen fell to the ground.

She thought this would be the end.

Unfortunately, Su Han's "anger" was miscalculated.

One fairy sword after another.

appeared above her head.

This is the Zhuxian Sword Formation.

And it uses the human race's holy weapon Xuanyuan Sword as the formation eye.

Equivalent to five swords.

Four swords suppress the four poles.

And Su Han is holding the Xuanyuan Sword.

Arriving in front of the Platinum Queen.

The tip of the sword landed on the opponent's chin.

"How about it? I'm just having a little fight with you. If I really use my power, your life will be gone..."

"Hmph... If you want to kill, just kill, you rude man!"

"Aren't you afraid of death? That's good... After I kill you, I will take some photos of you. Then I will only need one hundred molas.

I guess many people want to see it, right? "

"You devil, how could you do this... If you hadn't evacuated, how could so many of my people have died? You still want to kill me...

Then kill him... Anyway, you have already killed Scarlet, right?

I'm not a demon god either.

If you want to take Fontaine, just take it away. As long as it doesn't damage my reputation, you can do whatever you want...if...if..."

· ··Ask for flowers····· ·····

As a prisoner.

The Platinum Queen also wanted to threaten.

Unfortunately, his threats were of no use.

Because her power is too weak.

It can't affect Su Han at all.

At this time, a familiar figure appeared in front of the two people.

"Hey... you're not done yet. Didn't you agree to have a barbecue?"

"Oh, it's quick... Pandora, please wait."


The Platinum Queen was shocked.

Didn't it mean that the Scarlet King was killed?

How could it appear here?

But what the hell is Pandora?

The other party is not called by that name.

In short, the other party glanced at himself.

He left with contempt on his face.

The Platinum Queen got up angrily and said angrily: "Who are you looking down on? Just stop..."

0 0 0

"Oh? You want to fight me..."

The sky is filled with red light.

Blooming from Pandora's body.

Such terrifying power.

It's heart-stopping to watch.

In an instant, the Platinum Queen became honest.

He quickly looked away.

It was as if he wasn't talking just now.

Su Han couldn't help but laugh and said: "Okay... stop teasing her, go back early... After taking care of things here, it's time for me to go back."


Pandora turned and left.

Blood red light.

It also dispersed in the sky.

When the breeze blows on your face.

The Platinum Queen finally came to her senses.

At this time, she was pouting, looking like a doormat.

The clothes were even stained with mud.

The atmosphere felt a bit awkward.

Su Han then said: "Would you like to join my command? I will not restrict you... You can also build your palace in heaven and continue to let your believers recognize your existence.

This condition is the maximum I can open.

There must be a limit to being willful.

how? "


"Every day you delay, a large number of people will die. Can you really bear it?"

"Then why don't you come to me directly? I am a god... I am a goddess... Beings of the same class should be treated as the same class, right?

Why did you find Thor as your wife?

There are so many others.

Obviously I also want the people to live a good life...

They will just say that if I don’t take care of them, I will be in trouble..."

The goddess who was questioned by Su Han finally collapsed.

He said what was in his heart and died.

Chapter 764 The surrender of the Platinum Queen, the judge who wants to judge the gods

simply put.

The Platinum Queen is no fool.

Not even an idiot.

What she chose was just hoping that Su Han would come and see her.

This can be said decently.

[Since the other party has asked to see me several times, with such sincerity... I agree, reluctantly... grant the other party the identity of XXX. 】

Just like Mond.

But, the answer given by Su Han.

But she couldn't accept it.

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