Yae Shenzi: "He knows about the mission of the heavens?"

Hu Tao: "You just know that Su Han knows all the tasks and is omniscient and omnipotent."

Mona: "It's another combat mission. I want to participate this time."

Su Han: "First of all, the mission is quite simple. I didn't expect the first four-star mission to be so easy. It feels like a gift."

However, this task is compared to Samsung.

It's still a bit difficult.

After all, Sesshomaru's power is not weak.

Especially since he can demonize.

Chapter 103 The battle in the cemetery, come and please me, little dog

Keqing: "Is there anything I need to pay attention to? Or are there any treasures..."

Su Han: "There are some things to pay attention to. At this stage, Sesshomaru is not very powerful in combat, but he is very insidious.

Miasma poison will also be cast.

There is nothing else to pay attention to..."

Su Han: "As for the treasure, if you can snatch the knife from Sesshomaru's hand, it seems to be a good choice, but it feels a bit difficult."

Two dogs fight.

And it was Inuyasha who would defeat Sesshomaru.

Then there is a high probability that it will be a battle in the cemetery.

It is the interface between the living and the dead.

Very desolate.

There is no treasure.

On the contrary, Tian Tian Ya, that knife can bring the dead back to life.

However, Su Han felt that even if he told Yae Shenzi, he would not be able to get it.

Because the sword contains the power of seal.

Once you feel your owner is hurt.

Or if you are about to be robbed, the time spell will be triggered.

In the original work, Sesshomaru relied on this power to escape the fate of being killed.

Yae Shenzi: "Since there is nothing special to pay attention to, I will take action..."

Got fucked by my best friend.

She is in a very unhappy mood now.

[Ding... Group member Yae Shenzi has received the mission from the heavens, please prepare everything within fifteen minutes! 】

"Are you ready? You shouldn't need it..."

The beautiful Yaegomiya picked up the Kagura bell on the desk and slowly disappeared into the room.

The live broadcast in the group is also started simultaneously.

In the world of Inuyasha.

A desolate and barren place where two worlds meet.

The two dogs were fighting fiercely, but... it might be too much to say fierce, because Inuyasha had no weapon.

The weak can only flee.

"Do you just want to escape? Inuyasha!!!"

A whip appeared and knocked Ergouzi away.

Humanity has just obtained Iron Fang.

This made him very unhappy.

Long-simmering anger.

At this moment, it exploded suddenly!


Why did his father refuse to recognize him and leave the magic weapon to a half-demon!

The more he thought about Sesshomaru, the angrier he became.

The orthodox monsters are the true heirs of the West Country! ! !

"A trash half-demon like you deserves to die completely..."

Another whip of light flew towards him.

This time, Inuyasha reacted quickly.

Directly dodged that fierce blow.

But the rocks and bones behind him shattered.

InuYasha's eyes narrowed sharply.

If he is hit again, he will vomit blood.

Moreover, the word half-demon deeply hurt Inuyasha.

Since childhood, I have been ridiculed and even bullied because of my identity. Human beings have no place for themselves.

Monsters don't like this guy either.

This has always been the case.

He is also angry.

InuYasha grabbed a handful of blood on his abdomen and roared: "Flying Blade Blood Claw..."

Demonic energy cooperates with blood.

A sharp blood blade was formed.

tearing towards the enemy.

But Sesshomaru just dodged slightly to avoid his move, and then sneered: "Ha... It's just such a childish trick.

Still want to fight with me?

It’s so desperate! ! 〃~! "

The two sides once again started a close battle.

Talking about boxing and kicking.

Inuyasha was naturally no match for Sesshomaru, who was born many years earlier.

During a series of violent beatings.

Kagome actually walked out of the venom.

She holds a rusty iron tooth.

Surprisingly safe and sound.


Within the Zhutian mission group.

Mona: "Well... I feel like the battle is not intense. No wonder Su Han said it was the easiest four-star mission. It is indeed a bit simple..."

Keqing: "I feel like I can win easily no matter what."

Maplehara Manyo: "Since it is a monster, it must be more than this. The power of Sesshomaru should be pretty good.

Right now I'm just venting my anger.

There is no serious fighting..."

Su Han: "You are right, Feng Yuan...Sesshomaru is in anger now, so his combat effectiveness is naturally not strong. There is a saying that goes well, no matter what master he is.

Without his mind, he is just a beast. "

Shen He: "I see that the weapon in that woman's hand is the same as the one in your hand, right? It seems to be the Iron Broken Tooth... Is this the legendary Tooth Sword?"

She had seen the sword in Su Han's hand.

It was exactly the same as the one in Kagome's hand.

Moreover, even the name is the same.

Is it the same one?

Keqing: Huh... It seems so. Its move must also be wind damage. "

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