That is Fontaine's artifact.

It is the treasure of the previous water god.

Using this thing, anyone can be judged.

As long as there is bad intention.

Will definitely be punished very severely.

The old man looked pale.

If this thing is used, the Platinum Queen will definitely not be able to bear it.

Her proud temperament.

They will inevitably be "judged".

Looking at the unmoved old man, the Grand Inquisitor raised a strange smile on his lips.

However, it quickly disappeared.

"Please step aside, sir. Do you want to resist the scales of justice?"

Take it out with the dazzling scales.

The old man's power was also suppressed.


His power is no match for this artifact.

And at this moment, a strange voice came.

came from the depths of the Platinum Palace.

"Judgment? Humans...judgment of gods...what a loud tone..."

"Who?" The Grand Inquisitor looked inside and said angrily: "Who dares to question fairness and justice!!!"

"it's me..."

Followed by the figure came out.

Everyone can't help but be oppressed by the other's momentum.

Su Han.

God King.

This is true strength.

A guy even scarier than the Water God.

How could he appear inside.

At this time, the long-awaited Water God also came out.

This time she covered her face with tulle.

He slowly walked up to Su Han, then gently hugged him, kissed him first, and then looked at the people silently.

Now the whole square was silent.

Even the Grand Inquisitor did not dare to speak.

But they don't talk.

Su Han had a lot to say.

"Who do you think you are when you are judging a god? Did the water god ignore you and become more and more drifting... a group of guys like ants.

Less than 40% of the combat judges are deployed these days.

The remaining people guard the Inquisition.

Please, what is your explanation?

Where were you when Kanria invaded five hundred years ago... You rejected all the Water God's efforts to protect this country...

What a joke.

A mere human being dares to speak unscrupulously.

Really ignorant..."


A terrifying momentum fell from the sky.

Everyone was directly pressed to the ground.

Su Han was really angry this time.

Everything about Xumi has been explained.

When human greed is not checked, harm will occur to the country.

Sumeru is like this.

So is Fontaine.

Faced with Su Han's pressure.

The Grand Inquisitor raised his artifact and roared angrily: "A foreign god can never manage our affairs...just judgment!!!"

000 huge light.

Shooting directly towards Su Han.

A flash of fear flashed in the water god's eyes.

However, because his waist was hugged.

Therefore, it is a point of no return.

Su Han's other hand was directly holding the Xuanyuan Sword.

A wave of his hand was enough to cut him off.

The terrifying sword energy.

Destroy all light.

And that scale.

It will shatter instantly.

The Grand Inquisitor and others were all knocked away.

Looking at the destroyed artifact.

All the thoughts in people’s minds were eliminated.

Each one is like eggplant beaten by frost.

Don't dare to say anything anymore.

Su Han sneered and said: "You must have heard about Xumi's affairs. The great sage was unscrupulous and imprisoned the grass god...

And what about you?

Judgment of the Water God.

What an interesting guy. Is it the power given to you by the Solstice Kingdom? I right?

Grand Inquisitor.

There are many letters found in your house.

The Kingdom of Winter supports you in becoming a water god at a critical moment.

Its request is to squeeze out the current water god.

It's better to slander her...

Instruct the Green Flower Assassins to kill the pure water elves.

They also accuse each other of stealing treasures.

Everything comes from the Judgment House.

You guys... Although the demonstration is very good, it's a pity... mortals are just mortals after all. ”.

Chapter 766 The darkness under the justice of the Grand Inquisitor and the truth behind the assassination of the pure water elf

"You are not from Fontaine!!!"

"Furthermore, Fontaine's justice cannot be trampled on... Even if you destroy our sacred objects, can you still destroy the justice in our hearts?

Fontaine's justice is indelible! ! ! "

Hear the roar of the Grand Inquisitor.

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