Become a Bodhisattva for thousands of years.

Her trump card is not just the Golden Wheel of Merit.

This is just one type of power in her hands.

If so, you will be defeated.

She is not worthy of being a Bodhisattva.

"As you heard, I am...Vajra Bodhi!"

A layer of golden light appeared on the outside of Guanyin Bodhisattva's body.

This layer of golden light is very bright.

Even more terrifying than the Golden Body Technique.

The Killing Immortal Sword Formation from Thunder Movie.

All the bursts of sword energy were blocked.

There is simply no way to go further.

It can be said that the current Guanyin Bodhisattva.

In a state of invincibility.

"No... The power of Thunder Movie alone cannot penetrate the opponent's shield. Nasida... Aren't your powers ready yet?"

"Here it comes! I have brewed enough...The power of the Emerald Dream can transform illusion into reality! And the power of the other party

I might as well try converting!

Let her shield turn into nothingness..."

In a huge woodland.

Countless owl beasts looked up to the sky and roared.

They work in tandem with Nasida's power.

Directly offset the power of Guanyin Bodhisattva.

However, because the power consumed is too terrifying.

Nasida was already sitting weakly on the ground, no longer capable of fighting.

Naturally, Yingmei will not miss this opportunity.

He quickly stepped forward to hit the target.

However, this time Guanyin Bodhisattva was well prepared.

Countless willow leaves.

He has long been blocked in front of Yingmei.

If she wants to attack hard.

There will definitely be a huge price to pay.

But now... Yingmei has used skills she has never shown before.

"The Art of Space·Exchange!"

As a traveler with all attributes.

And he's also the protagonist.

Yingmei is very sensitive to all elements.

After seeing the power of the Rinnegan in Naruto's world, she has been developing her own space jutsu.

Want to cast.

You must choose a move that suits you.

She had discussed it with Paimon.

Instead of focusing on destruction.

If you focus on how to enhance your mobility.

As a petite woman.

Yingmei has very high requirements for mobility.

So, space magic.

Final choice of swap.

In fact, this is not her choice, but the power of understanding.

Swap yourself with space somewhere.

Just like the power of heavenly hand.

At the same time, Yingmei can perform it silently.

And you can exchange yourself without using any items.

However, this kind of move.

It takes a lot of spiritual energy.

However, now is the time for the decisive battle.

If you can capture Guanyin Bodhisattva.

Yingmei knows that she can gain a lot from her side.

Around countless green leaves.

The tip of the sword pointed straight away.

But...a white disc stood in front of him. It was like an animal's shell, very hard.

Not even the Xuanyuan Sword can split it.

"Hmph... You little brat, you do have some abilities. But that's all... If you want to provoke a poor monk, you are not worthy...〃〃."

A slight flick of his fingers.

Yingmei's body trembled, and she instantly vomited blood and flew backwards.

This power is so vast.

I almost fainted.

At this time, Zhongli suddenly thought of a way. He raised his head and asked: "Are you Guanyin Bodhisattva? What about the things in the city...

Why don't you care?

If many people burn incense.

You should know, right? "

"Inside the city... you mean here, right? Hehe... they are just some untouchables, so what if they die in the hundreds of thousands? During the Tang Dynasty...

Millions of poor monks died without taking any action. what if I tell you?

These people are all poor monks, and I am willing to let them die..."

I basically broke up with each other today.

Guanyin Bodhisattva doesn't care who hears it.

In short, she wants to kill everyone here.

Or after catching it.

Direct brainwashing.

"So, in your eyes...these ordinary people are worthless?"

"Do you have compassion for an ant? Some untouchables... poor monks will take the hearts of some people to practice the exercises.

Now I want to eat some people.

Just grab some.

Who dares to say?

This poor monk is a bodhisattva of great kindness and compassion..."

Looking at the almost demonized Guanyin Bodhisattva.

Zhongli smiled lightly.

It seems the plan is going very smoothly.

And Lei Movie asked: "Who is the important person among you Buddhas? Aren't those monsters bad...

Why don't you kill? "

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