Still looks.

All so beautiful.

As noble and elegant as a fairy in a painting.

And Inuyasha was also slightly distracted.

Because this woman is so beautiful.

He had never seen such a beautiful woman.

No, it should be a monster.

Only Sesshomaru looked at Yae Shenzi with a gloomy expression and asked, "Did you stop me just now?"

"Ha... I originally wanted you both to suffer losses before I took action, but I didn't expect you, a little puppy, to kill a woman in such a hurry.

What a loss of identity..."

"you wanna die!"

I heard the other person repeatedly calling him a puppy.

How could Sesshomaru endure it?

A whip of light quickly flew towards the Eightfold Divine Son.

The Kagura bell was lifted slightly.

A bolt of thunder easily blocked the opponent's attack.

Yae Shenzi tilted his head and chuckled: "What? You are said to be an angry puppy, a guy who can be easily aroused by the enemy.

Calling you a puppy is flattering you.

At best, it is just a baby dog ​​hiding in the arms of its parents.

Come and call me twice more.

Ha ha ha ha..."

Listen to her unbridled laughter.

People at the scene had different expressions.

Inuyasha and Kagome have black lines on their heads.

This woman is too disgusting.

Every sentence attacked Sesshomaru's shortcomings.

Such people are terrible.

Kagome whispered to InuYasha: "Gouzi, don't mess with this woman for a while, otherwise you will be in trouble."

InuYasha nodded repeatedly.

Shen said that he would not do stupid things.

Chapter 104 Sesshomaru, who was manipulated in the palm of his hand, was just miserable with the lightning!

Baby dog?

This was the first time Sesshomaru was called that.

Anger burns the sky.

He had never been so angry.

"Damn woman, you humiliated me Sesshomaru like this, I want you to die..."

The extremely angry noble prince rushed in front of Yae Shenzi.

The palms turned green.

You can smell the putrid and poisonous smell in the air.


The kagura bell rings.

Sesshomaru jumped in the air, and the original Yae Shenzi turned into a fox phantom and rushed towards him.


Fiery thunder.

Half of Sesshomaru's body was electrocuted.

However, he did not stop, but turned around and rushed behind him.

"Hahaha, the puppy's reaction speed is pretty good..."

Accompanied by Yae Shenzi's joking voice.

A Killing Sakura appeared again in her place.

"The same trick won't work on me, Sesshomaru!"

Looking at the phantom fox that was about to pounce, he stopped.

Wielding the light whip, he wanted to crush the phantom.

However, at this moment, there was a huge thunder behind him, which knocked him away.


Sesshomaru grimaced in pain.

Out of the corner of my eye.

He just happened to catch the fox that was covering his mouth and smiling.

"Oh my god...where is your attention...I don't have just one Sesshō Sakura, or do you think this is all you have, little dog?"

Sesshomaru's face turned pale.

He twisted his body and pushed directly against the wall, relying on the force of the rebound.

Sprint over again.

Although his back has been burned by thunder.

But for monsters.

This injury is nothing at all.

This time Sesshomaru was determined to kill the fox in front of him, but unfortunately, his speed could not match the speed of Yae Shenzi.

So much so that he was completely played by the other party between 220 palms.

Kagome next to her shook her head and sighed: "This is too scary. It's not a fight at all. It's completely being led by the opponent..."

Inuyasha couldn't help but nod.

I feel glad in my heart that the other person’s target is not me.

Otherwise, you will be tortured to death.

This is too humiliating.

The opponent won't kill you, or even make a heavy move, but will continue to create phantoms to tease you.

Whenever you feel like you can kill the other person.

However, the color that hits often is a phantom.

"Puppy, try harder...Have you not eaten yet? You are still a little short of touching me..."

"Oops, the speed is still not good enough. Tsk tsk... Sure enough, there is a reason why I am not favored by my father..."

"Why is your face so ugly? I've figured it out! Do you admire your father so much? He is indeed an unweaned baby dog."


At this moment, Sesshomaru's eyes were blood red.

His mind was filled with the shadow of the fox.

He had even forgotten that he was here to snatch Tie Suiya.


The pursuit continued.

But all he got in exchange was pain.

Gradually, the armor on his body was shattered, and his arms were even blood-red from the thunder.

Seeing this scene, Yae Shenzi couldn't help but shake his head: "It is indeed the simplest task, not challenging at all...

Forget it, let's end it like this. "

The Kagura bell is raised.

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