Specially responsible for the issues of ghosts and abyss. "

"Yes, Master Su Han..."


The drawings were delivered to Totosai.

Look at such a treasure.

The big brother of the weapons headquarters suddenly brightened up.

"Not bad, really good... There is such a thing, let me forge it directly for you..."



He picked up the sledgehammer and began to slowly forge the ghost-destroying weapon according to the drawings.

Because of technology now.

Therefore, Totosai's weapon of choice.

It's not a sword, gun, sword or halberd, but...a sniper rifle.

Since this weapon can act at long range.

Why can't it be made into a sniper rifle?

Almost forty minutes or so.

The first ghost-killing weapon was born.

Totally dark.

If activated, a faint blue light will emerge.

Totosai ordered his men: "Bring the test monster up..."

"Yes, sir."

Not long after, an abyss monster was delivered in front of everyone.

Totosai issued an order.

The man holding the ghost-destroying sniper rifle gently pulled the trigger.


An attack like a bright moon burst out instantly.

It penetrated the enemy in just an instant.

The beast-land hound fell to the ground instantly.

After inspection.

Souls are hunted.

Moreover, after the ghost soul-killing weapon sniped the abyss monster, the dissipated energy turned into transparent smoke and returned to the gun in wisps.

"This weapon is indeed very powerful... As expected, it was given to us by Lord Su Han. Come here... and start building it! By the way... the first weapon to be prepared.

Transport to the abyssal rift.

We're going to take a look at the effect of this thing. "

"Yes, Totosai-sama!"

Everyone started to get busy.

At this time, Su Han was looking at second-level products.

[Thousand-Light Divine Mirror]: A rare treasure in the world of Xianxia. It has no ability to attack, but it can observe everything in extremely far places.

It is a very useful one among the investigative supplies.

[Introduction]: The Yuling Qianguang Divine Mirror is made of Qianguang Immortal Stone. It has three thousand runes engraved inside and can reflect the scenery thousands of miles away (bcff).

and will not be easily noticed

At the same time, invisible enemies will also be discovered

[Remarks]: Yuling Qianguang Divine Mirror requires a lot of spiritual energy support. If the spiritual energy is insufficient, it cannot be used. On the contrary, if the spiritual energy is enough,

You can even survey and map a large number of maps

This is the true use of Yuling Qianguang Divine Mirror

[Tip]: If your spiritual thoughts are strong enough, you can even use the power of the Thousand-Light Divine Mirror to use some special secret techniques.

Because of this, the magic weapon was destroyed in large numbers.

Only this one remains

[Quantity]: two

[Price]: 100,000 points

[Restrictions]: Level 2 group members

[Remaining time]: Fourteen days and twelve hours


[Laurel·Simplified Version]: In the world of Xianxia, ​​the differentiated body of the fairy root laurel does not possess the full power of the laurel tree.

But it also has 30% of the power

[Introduction]: The laurel tree from the world of Journey to the West condenses the power of the lunar calendar to form unique treasures. Sitting under the tree can lead to enlightenment.

At the same time, the leaves of the laurel tree contain a lot of spiritual energy.

It's a rare treasure

[Effect]: Taking a laurel leaf can obtain a large amount of the power of the moon and taiyin, which is extremely helpful for practicing magical powers and comprehending Taoism.

[Tip]: The laurel tree can produce 599 leaves every month. Please do not pick them all, otherwise...

Laurel will be angry

[Remarks]: This is a fairy root with a certain amount of intelligence.

[Price]: 100,000 points

[Restrictions]: Level 2 group members

[Remaining time]: Fourteen days and twelve hours


[Fuso tree·simplified version]: The fuso tree from the world of Journey to the West must grow on the sun, and it must be a real sun.

Although it is a simplified version

But the function that the hibiscus tree should have is still pretty good.

[Introduction]: The hibiscus tree grows by bathing in the fire of the sun. It has similar abilities to the laurel tree in the lunar star, but...

The difference between the two is that hibiscus trees can cultivate phoenixes and golden crows

At the same time, it also has a certain feedback ability to the sun.

[Remarks]: If you get a Golden Crow or Phoenix, you can put it into a Fusang tree for cultivation, which will not only shorten the maturity time

At the same time, it also has a certain bonus for improving bloodline.

[Tip]: The simplified version of the hibiscus tree is only 30% effective and cannot be upgraded...

[Quantity]: one plant

[Price]: 100,000 points

[Restrictions]: Level 2 group members

[Remaining time]: Fourteen days and twelve hours

Three second-level products.

Su Han bought them all.

Because these things are not expensive.

And very useful.

Laurel and hibiscus trees.

It just happens to be used on the sun and moon of birth.

I have had various careers before.

At present, there is no shortage of his subordinates who have changed jobs.

On the other hand, this new species is very lacking.

For example, he was still considering the issue of the Lunar Star.

It is now resolved.

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