In fact, it is to let your soul merge with the consciousness in the devil fruit.

This leads to the power of awakening.

If you think of Devil Fruit as a door to power.

Then, the human soul is a key.

Only if both parties agree.

Only then will the strength continue to increase.

Looking at the posture of Ayato Kamisato.

Su Han couldn't help but nodded and said: "That's right... I guess Ling Hua will not recognize his brother after seeing him.


"Chasing power always requires some effort. Moreover, the blue dragon posture makes the opponent more powerful, and maybe it can attract some girls.

This way, Miss Ayaka Kamisato doesn't have to worry about her brother's marriage all day long. "

Yae Shenzi couldn't help but joked.

Later, Kamisato Ayaka also saw the heroic appearance of her brother.

She expressed this.

"Perhaps my brother has suppressed his nature and suppressed it for countless years. When I chose to sacrifice for the family, the other party also sacrificed himself.

Now I can honor my heart.

I think that's enough! "

Kamisato Ayaka caressed her chest.

Very happy about this.

Su Han also expressed great satisfaction with this.

Shortly after, he left training.

Flying towards the sacred tree area of ​​​​the heaven.

This is a restricted area.

Only Su Han and other members and the devil can come.

The rest are not allowed to appear.

Because this is the true form of the sacred tree.

Came here without permission.

will be considered an enemy.

The Nine Heavens Mysterious Lady.


Miaoyue and three others.

They will all attack!

Moreover, demons are generally not allowed to come over.

Because this is so important.

It can be said to be the lifeblood of the world.

Why did Su Han come over? Because he wanted to see how Guanyin was doing?

Back from the White Snake World.

I am busy myself.

I haven't seen anything like Guanyin Bodhisattva yet.

He actually asked Yae Shenzi.

But the other party said mysteriously: "It seems that Sister Miaoyue needs to take care of him. You will know the details in a few days..."

a few minutes ago.

There is news from Miao Yue.

Said he could come over.

Ever since, Su Han came here.

Turn left and turn right.

Until you come to a wooden house.

Only then did she see Fairy Miaoyue wearing a pink dress.

The other party looked at him with a smile.

"Here you come? Busy man..."

"Well, I just handled some tasks. How is she...?"

Su Han was a little confused.

This fairy sister doesn't know how to make some bad jokes.

As a result, Miao Yue smiled mysteriously: "You'll find out when you go in... Originally I thought the other party could resist my tossing, but actually...

Hehe, that's all.

Conquer her and don't let me down. "

"Huh? What on earth did you do..."

"It's nothing, I just taught her the basic etiquette and instincts of a human being. It's useless to say so much...

Go in and take a look. "


Su Han nodded and walked inside.

When he came to the dark wooden house.

But he was shocked by the Guanyin Bodhisattva.

The other person only had a white transparent bellyband on his body.

Breathing is very disordered.

Eyes blurred and watery.

This is not the Guanyin Bodhisattva in that mission world.

She is simply a woman with unsatisfied desires.

It seems that I can smell the scent of a man.

Guanyin's eyes instantly brightened.

" are here..."

"Ahem... you... you are..."

"Official, I was once a concubine who had eyesight but could not see the mountains... Today, thanks to the guidance of Empress Miaoyue, I finally understand the nature of a woman.

The officials were also asked to sit down.

I will serve you as a concubine.

To compensate for the sins I have done for thousands of years..."

Su Han didn't even move.

They were looking at each other the whole time.

Guanyin Bodhisattva pressed him on the wooden bed, then fetched a basin of water and served him like a human woman.

Su Han was still confused at first.

Until his eyes saw.

There were actually two silver rings hanging on the other party's body.

And there's some weird graffiti somewhere.

Only then did I realize that the other party had probably been taught a terrible lesson.

within the next two hours.

Su Han was completely happy.

I don’t know how Fairy Miaoyue taught me.

At least the opponent's kung fu was even more outrageous than Yae Shenzi's.

Whether it's psychological.

Or body.

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