Although the big demon has the strength of an immortal, he seems so powerless in the face of the cooperation of these two people.

Keqing is a person with the ability of Huahua Fruit.

Every petal is its own fragment.

Those countless lightnings release sword energy.

Even if this great demon wants to resist.

But it will also be torn apart by countless sword energies.

Immortal power.

Able to penetrate the world.

But Keqing and Fischer are not normal people.

It’s about being able to predict the future.

Plus the power of Devil Fruit.

Slowly, the demon's aura began to decline.

Just when Keqing thought she was going to kill the opponent, countless black energy attacked her body from her wounds.

"This is..."

"Don't be afraid, my sister is here."

The hazy light envelops the clear sky.

All the black energy was cut off.

The power of white smoke once again protected the fighting man Shao.

Chapter 802 The world of fox monsters is completely over, and the current situation of the prince in the abyss

See yourself unharmed.

Keqing and Fischer looked at each other.

Started to increase output.

Thunder has a natural lethality against things like demons.

Not to mention the power of Keqing and Fischer.

It's also the kind of Yang Lei.

Thunder is also divided into Yin thunder and Yang thunder.

For example, the Thunder movie... is the representative of Yuehua no Thunder.

Extremely yin power.

It hurts people's soul and destroys their conduct.

It can be said that the power of Lei movies is constantly changing.

As for Keqing and Fischer, they are currently heading towards Yanglei.

Bless the Thunder with masculine righteousness.

You will gain unimaginable power.

"Supernatural power, numerous mountains, thousands of shadows and thunder surges..."

Keqing felt the power within her body.

The magical power he had cultivated exploded.

I saw the afterimages appearing one after another around the big demon, and these bodies were in the void.

Continuous condensation.

Until it turns into a clear look one after another.

Then they held thunder swords.

The big demon was completely surrounded and suppressed, and the sword energy was overwhelming.

Like a thunderstorm.

Wrap each other up.

The terrifying breath of thunder has never been as intense as this moment.

Da Mo 047 actually wants to resist.

However, the speed of Keqing was too fast.

Even if they gather together to launch an attack.

It's just to smash the opponent's afterimage into pieces.

However, after the afterimage is shattered, it will turn into thunderous nails one after another.

They have already spread all around the demon's body.

"This is..."

"Nails condensed by the power of thunder! I used to think about what I would do if I met someone like that. Until I thought of this idea..."

Keqing murmured to herself.

The body slowly emerged from the darkness.

The arc around him has not dissipated.

The demon looked at the thread on the other person's fingertips and suddenly thought of something.

"You guy..."

"Yes, since people can't fight against it, why not borrow power? The so-called magical powers are just simulating celestial phenomena, simulating heaven and earth... and I can do it just by borrowing power.

Thunder disaster is coming! "

Ke Qing pulled down hard.

I saw only the dim clouds.

A huge thunderball slowly emerged from inside.

The huge thunderball was almost a thousand meters in size.

And under the pull of Keqing, he turned into a ferocious beast.


The huge animal head showed its ferocity in the clouds, and then suddenly pounced down (bcff).

Looking at Keqing's moves.

Su Han's eyes flashed with images of the other party practicing his moves at night and working hard.

Although she loves herself.

However, he never stopped.

Even if you want to use a special method.

Being able to let the other party take shortcuts was not something Keqing needed.

And today her practice is bearing fruit.

Accompanied by the fall of huge thunder.

The disaster in the fox demon world has been lifted.

As for the holes in this world.

It was Su Han who used his power to repair it.

Of course, the big demon killing is over.

There are still many people whose minds have been infected and have yet to regain their sanity.

Existing like a black fox.

At least several hundred thousand.

Su Han said to Lisa beside him: "Let our soldiers slowly collect the living beings who can regain their sanity and sobriety, and give them a chance for redemption.

If it doesn't work.

Just destroy it. "


The event is over.

Su Han returns.

However, a large number of people and adventurers flocked here.

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