However, Su Han also knew that Linghua was shy, so he naturally didn't bother her too much.

Say hello and that's it.

He is currently browsing the rewards for this mission.

[Ding... Congratulations to group member Yae Shenzi for completing the four-star heaven mission. As the group leader, you will receive an additional reward for the mission: 20,000 points. 】

[Ding... Congratulations to the group member Yae Shenzi for completing the four-star heaven mission. As the leader of the group, you will receive the mission reward: the power to destroy demons. 】

The power of destroying evil: a powerful force from ancient times. It has unimaginable lethality against evil forces and can purify filthy forces at the same time.

"Huh? Is this the reward this time?"

Su Han looked surprised.

The power to destroy demons.

That is the exclusive power of Kagome and Kikyo.

The power of the four ancient witches is very terrifying.

Specially designed to kill evil spirits.

It can also purify evil spirits.

The destructive power is also very terrifying.

After receiving the reward.

Su Han felt that there was another strength in his body.

It appears dark purple in color.

Sleep quietly in your body.

Su Han subconsciously entered the realm of transparency and slowly realized this power.

A feeling of sacrosanctity spread into his heart.

It is like a cold rose.

Another example is the snow lotus on the horizon.

Powerful and holy.

However, although the power of destroying demons is very powerful, it does not exclude other powers.

Instead, it is similar to Haki and other powers.

It looks like water from a well does not interfere with water from a river.

This also made Su Han breathe a sigh of relief.

It seems that my physique is really special.

It can perfectly accommodate any force.

Chapter 106 The advantages and disadvantages of the power of breaking demons, the wind demon dragon attacks Shimen Canyon

After a short try.

Su Han finally figured out the advantages and disadvantages of the power to break demons.

First of all, it is cultivated in the same way as Haki. When it is cultivated automatically, it will incorporate the power of destroying demons into the body.

However, it does not belong to the elemental power.

Rather, it is a unique divine power.

And it can be added to one's own sword skills and moves, so there is no conflict at all.

Secondly, it has unimaginable lethality against the abyss or that kind of evil thoughts.

Speaking of which, we have to mention the shortcomings of the power to break demons.

It's for humans.

Can only cause normal damage.

Similar to internal strength.

Unable to demonstrate special lethality.

Moreover, Su Han had a premonition.

If there are enemies with the same holy attribute, the damage may be unimaginably low.

"I hope I can meet someone from the abyss and let me try it. How powerful this power is..."

Su Han stood on the Jade Pavilion, looking at the blue sky and murmuring to himself.

The next morning.

In the canyon of Stone Gate and Dawn Tavern.

The workers are working hard, and for them, the work is hard.

But Mora is five times as long as an ordinary job.

Not only that, but meat is included in three meals a day.

It can be said to be a very generous treatment.

Of course, "Two Two Zero" is all thanks to Mr. Su Han, if there is no other party.

Maybe their wages are only twice the salary.

The foreman in the distance looked at the railway, which was still half full, and couldn't help but smile: "Everyone, please work harder, our project is still half way over."

"Don't worry, foreman... Now we work three shifts, and the food and wages are so good, who dares to be lazy!"

"It's such a good job. We are afraid that it will disappear in the future..."

Some people with easy jobs even joked about it.

The foreman smiled and said: "You guys, don't worry about work. After we finish building this railway, there are other places that need to be built."

There was someone above him.

Naturally, we know many follow-up projects.

Anyway, they won't be able to stay idle for half a year.

Everyone laughed when they heard this.

Life feels full of hope.

Now that Liyue's country is strong, the people don't have to worry about food and clothing, and they are slowly starting to get rich.

While people are working hard.

A strange wind struck from a distance.

People didn't pay attention at first.

But soon the wind became stronger and stronger.

Blowing dust.

Workers can no longer maintain their jobs.

The black blade troops in the distance quickly called out: "Stop working and enter the fortifications!"


At this moment, the strong wind turned into a storm.

Sweeping across the entire canyon.

The huge strong wind blew all the nearby rocks whirring.

Even some workers.

He was also swept away.

The leader of the soldiers of the Black Blade Troops quickly said: "Something is not right. Report it to Lord Maplehara Manyo! Ask for support..."


But the soldiers of the Black Blade Army only discovered it after they walked out of the camp.

This canyon has been trapped by the storm.

There was no way to get out.

They have become trapped beasts!

Near Chenxi Winery.

People looked at the weird sky and showed scared expressions.

The dragon disaster won't appear again.

At this time, a servant quickly came to the interior of the winery.

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