Have a baby?

He looked down at Yaegamiko's flat and white belly.

Suddenly, my heart started to beat faster.

Do you really have a child?

He had never thought about this problem before, but he just felt that... the time traveled was too short, otherwise... he was afraid that he would not be able to give his children a bright future.

However, suddenly a baby was born.

He was really stunned.


My own child!

Su Han quickly held Yae Shenzi's hand, trying to find out something.

As a result, there were no signs of life at all.

"Uh...are you sure there will be children?"

"This is not nonsense, otherwise why would I eat a lot and sleep a lot these days..."

Yae Shenzi changed from his previous gentleness and charm.

He replied directly.

Tempers even started to rise.

For insurance.

Su Han had no choice but to take Tan Hu to find Fairy Miao Yue.

Only this boss.

Only then can we see the problem clearly.

Come to the other person's face.

Su Han explained the situation.

As a result, the person glanced at the fox and said, "Yes..."

"What's up?"


"It must be a child..."

"Sister Miaoyue, you haven't seen it yet..."

Su Han felt that the other party was a little perfunctory.

Just say it and stop joking.

As a result, Miao Yue rolled her eyes and said, "Auntie, I think this matter still needs to be studied? There is already a seed of life in her body.

What does this mean?

You don't know that.

What else are you looking at... It's time for you to be a father..."

"Is this...really? Sister Miaoyue!"

The fox was ecstatic.

I couldn't believe my ears.

Just once.

It actually worked.

Oh my god.

I am going to be a mother.

"Well...congratulations to you. With the blood of the two of you, the child will definitely be very strong and smart..."


The fox is jumping up and down.

After Su Han reacted, he quickly pinned the other party to the ground.

"Be honest, kid... If you act like this all day long, be careful I spank you..."

"I'm a fairy fox. This little amount of exercise is nothing. I still want to do independent tasks."

"What do you want to do? Just give me some peace and quiet."

After all, it is my first child.

Su Han didn't want her to have problems.

The fox showed a proud expression.

As expected, I came out on top.

Hahahaha...even the ranking of the film is far behind me.

Half an hour later.

A large number of people gathered in the Jade Pavilion of the Heavenly Realm.

Even the workaholics Gan Yu and Ke Qing are like this.

Everyone looked at Su Han with resentment.

As the people around Yae Kamiko chirped.

The people in the room looked at Su Han.

All with endless sourness.

Make sure you treat everyone equally.

Now, why does this little fox have a baby?

It's not fair.

"Ahem...what is that? In order to celebrate the Son of God having a baby today, we have a day off...At the same time, this day can also be regarded as a traditional holiday.

Just name it Children's Day. "

Su Han as the person in power.

Just issue the command.

The people below naturally became busy.

Shen He, who was sitting not far from the Son of God, looked at the other person's belly in a daze, and said that he would be the first mother.

Why is this so?

She looked at the fox.

The latter's eyes dodge.

He didn't dare to look at himself at all.

It was obvious that the other party had a guilty conscience.

At this time, a woman in white walked in from the door.

There was a smile in the other person's eyes.

"You guys... don't be upset. If you need a baby, just tell Su Han. Now that the world is at peace... the Son of God just has one.

You don't deserve to be so jealous.

And understand that peace in today's world is hard-won... Instead of quarreling, it is better to practice well.

This is what you should be looking for. "

Facing the advice of this sage.

Everyone also put away their resentful eyes.

Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun said it right.

There are plenty of opportunities to have children.

There's no need to start a fight now.

Moreover, the outside world has just gained peace, so it is a bit funny that they keep making trouble about it.

Ning Guang came out and said: "Now that the Son of God has a child, naturally it cannot be used as a battle order... At the same time, if you want a baby.

It's best to submit a list.

Let's do the math.

If everyone is willing to conceive.

Then the mission will basically be impossible to carry out in the future.

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