People from other countries.

I won't agree...

And I wouldn't agree with that either.

Even if that queen condescends. "

Su Han is not a person who forgets hatred easily.

At the other end of the world.

The sky has brilliant auroras.

However, in the snow-capped mountains under that light.

But a fierce battle took place.

People holding guns.

Some were armed with heavy weapons.

The monsters in this crack area began to be bombarded continuously.

The interval between each wave of attacks is about half an hour.

Often people haven't had time to rest.

A new round of attacks has arrived.

In the ravine under the heavy snow, there were many sleepy soldiers lying, but they were not injured.

Just too tired.

After a fierce battle with the monsters of the abyss.

There is no hiding place.

We can only dig a cave and hide in it.

Accompanied by the roar of the earth.

A huge beast-land hound ran out of the crack.

The observer exclaimed: "No, it's a beast king level monster... using a ballista!!!"

"Fire Ballista... Get ready!!!"

"Elemental power blessing!"


Huge ballistae quickly condensed from the mountain.


With a blazing line of fire.

A ballista shot landed on the monster.

Accompanied by brutal howls.

The Hound of Beastland fell down.

However, such an attack would only be delayed.

Soon the monster climbed up from the ground.

However, it was accompanied by intensive artillery fire.

In the end, this beastly hound didn't last long.

Finally fell down.

Completely destroyed.

But the long battle.

People's faces have long been numb.

· ··Ask for flowers····· ·····

After this wave of monsters were destroyed.

Many people knelt directly on the ground.

There was already sweat inside the armor.

When the helmet is taken off.

One soldier even cried.

"Hey...what are you doing? Didn't we win the battle..."

"But, captain... we have been fighting for more than half a month. Every day is a numb battle, and sometimes we can wake up.

Sometimes I can't wake up at all.

When will it be the end? "


Faced with the soldier's doubts.

The captain's face was also full of sadness.

Even fell into silence.

After a long time, he said: "Behind us is our home... we can't leave unless... the cracks underneath can be healed.

But according to the observations of those scientists.

0 .... .....

This place has expanded again...

In no more than a month, the diameter will be doubled. "


The soldiers couldn't bear it.

Want to cry.

But with the arrival of the stupid staff.

The soldiers put away their expressions.

Compared to these demons.

No one dared to say more words.

Because they are afraid of being caught.

There once was a deserter because he couldn't stand fighting every day.

Want to escape.

As a result, the body was hung on the top of the mountain.

It's still floating around today.

Looking at the heavily armored fools, the soldiers lowered their heads.

Until the other person leaves.

Then he breathed a sigh of relief.

And inside a mountain peak in the distance.

Several pairs of eyes were watching everything silently.

"It seems... they can no longer hold on, their physical fatigue and mental fatigue... have already accumulated to an unimaginable level.

A week at most.

People's hearts will collapse first.

Unless things take a turn for the better.

However, those high-ranking officials of the Winter Kingdom.

I'm afraid I won't choose rescue..."

"Do you want to incite public opinion?"

"You want to take away the people of Winter Kingdom, but...what if there are spies?"

"Do you think the Black Blade Troops can't figure it out?"

"That's true..."

"Then let's take action. The people are innocent... Of course, we have to do a little investigation. We can't let the executioner's descendants and blood relatives join us."


In the cave.

Several ninjas began to take action and died.

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