Rather than here.

It’s better to leave..."

Yuwen Tuo thinks very comprehensively.

Now there is the Demon Lord as the current enemy, once the Demon Lord dies.

So those people in the world.

There is no guarantee that Dugu Ningke will not be operated on.

Rather than that.

Why are you still here?

Leaving is the best option.

Hearing her husband's words, Dugu Ningke was also extremely moved.

Yu Xiaoxue among the crowd followed Miao Yue.

Because she already knew the other party's identity.

And, they firmly want to follow each other.

As for Nuwa in this world?

Sorry, who knows how long the other person will be asleep.

Su Han didn't want to disturb the other party either.

The discussion is over.

In the end, a few people followed and left.

Yuwen Tuo.

Yu Xiaoxue.

Dugu Ningke.

As for He Ran and Gu Yue, they naturally wanted to guard Tianwai Village.

Although the mark of the sky was repaired by Miao Yue using Nuwa stone.

There is no longer any safety concern.

However, the two of them were tired of fighting.

It's better to stay here than leave.

Seeing that everyone has made up their mind.

Su Han and others began to evacuate the world one after another.

This mission is over.

Many people have been promoted to level four group members.

At the same time, killing the demon king also rewards a lot of merit.

To be precise, it is tens of millions of merits.

It can be regarded as one of the more terrifying missions among these.

Return to the world of Teyvat.

Su Han got a notification sound from the system.

[Ding... Congratulations to the group members for completing the mission, you will receive a merit reward of 10 million points! 】

Look at the bleak news.

He looked at the reward this time.

This time he killed the Demon Lord.

How can I also get some world rewards?

Open the group message.

Rewards will then jump out.

[Ding... Congratulations to the group members for completing the five-star difficult team task of all heavens. As the group leader, you will receive an additional reward for the task: 800,000 points. 】

[Ding... Congratulations to the members of this group for completing the difficult task, killing the demon king and destroying the demon species of Chiguan Star, and receiving a special reward: Mountain and Sea Realm. 】

[Tip: There are countless strange beasts in the world of mountains and seas, as well as countless exotic flowers and plants, and their strength is very extraordinary! 】

[Reminder: There is a very powerful immortal in the world of mountains and seas, but the host should not be afraid. As the master of the world of mountains and seas, you have the right to control it. 】

[Ding... Congratulations to the group members for completing the five-star difficult team task of all heavens. As the group leader, you will receive the task reward: the ancient artifact·Donghuang Bell. 】

[Ancient artifact·Donghuang Bell]: It is generally rumored that the Donghuang Bell is the gate to heaven. According to the ancient wall inscriptions left in the Tianshan Grottoes from the age of gods.

The Donghuang Bell is the first of the ten most powerful artifacts.

Its power is enough to destroy heaven and earth and swallow all the heavens.

[Introduction]: The ancient artifact Donghuang Bell has actually taken shape long ago, and lives on the top of Donghuang in Taoyuan Fairyland. Its temper is a bit bad.

She has an upright personality and is a courageous woman.

However, it is precisely because of his personality that

Originally, no one could control her, because in the world of Tianzhihen

Except for the soul in Pangu's axe, no one can surpass the power of Donghuang Bell.

[Introduction]: The ancient artifact Donghuang Bell has survived for countless years, so it contains endless aura and has reached the pinnacle of the artifact.

Its defense is the most powerful existence among the artifacts

It is said to be invulnerable to all attacks, and at the same time... the attack of this artifact is only granted to the Pangu Ax who opened up the world.

There are rumors that the Donghuang Bell will destroy a world

All it takes is one hit

[Tip]: The spirit of the ancient artifact Donghuang Bell is a woman about ten years old, with long flowing hair and a pink dress. She has a pure and flawless temperament and a gentle and graceful appearance.

Looks very weak

But these are all her disguises

Once Donghuang Zhong is angry, the enemy will be evaporated in the next second

[Remarks]: The weapon spirit's name is Xia Rou, and she is a woman who has not yet awakened to love. Although there are systematic restraints, if the host can win the other person's heart with love,

Then Donghuang Bell can exert stronger power

But in history, even Emperor Xuanyuan and other gods failed to do it

Just use her as a weapon

[Reminder]: All small worlds in history were opened up by the Donghuang Bell. For example, the world of mountains and seas was created by the emperor and others to dispatch enemies.

The Yunzhong Realm was opened by the Demon Refining Pot after the Immortal in the Pot asked for help from the East Emperor Bell.

The same goes for other worlds

Generally speaking, Xia Rou is easy to talk to.

[Special]: The power of the Donghuang Bell is very mysterious, and even its origin is very mysterious. There is no specific information to prove who created it.

Where did the spoon appear again?

But what can be proved is that the Donghuang Bell is a magic weapon that can be both good and evil.

While creating the world, it can also easily destroy the world.

Chapter 822 Donghuang Zhong, who disobeyed discipline, received a special reward for the Kunlun Mirror

Watch the rewards coming from the system.

Su Han was stunned.

Donghuang Bell?

This damn thing directly rewards Donghuang Bell?

Among the top ten artifacts.

Haotian Tower.

There was also Dong Huang Zhong who did not participate in the battle.

Because they are not in Tianzhihen's world at all.

To be precise, these two magics are in other small worlds.

See the system description.

It's not like he created it on his own.

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