None of this has ever happened.

The fact that the other party could hand over a city to a brother who had gone through life and death was already known throughout the world.

For women?

Afraid of being laughed at for being an idiot.

Su Han didn't care about the news.

He casually threw it to Xiao Qiao and others.

After the latter results.

Just a glance.

His eyes dimmed.

Because there is no news about her brother.

Although I understand in my heart.

The other party will not come here for him.

However, there was no statement at all.

It really chills me.

"It's time to go on a mission tomorrow. How is everyone doing lately?"

"It's okay. Currently... Yae Shenzi can't go on a mission, and Xiang Ling can't go on a mission. Sister Lei Movie hasn't been confirmed yet. As for the others.

Not a problem. "

“Well, let’s do the independent mission later.

After all, it is about to exchange for the map of mountains and rivers.

I want to see what the world of Teyvat can become. "


Baiwen nodded.

His eyes were filled with anticipation.

She also wanted to know the Winter Kingdom without submission and under the command of its master.

What should we do when faced with the map of mountains and rivers?

While waiting.

Su Han returned to the world of Teyvat with his troops.

At this time, the territories of the other two countries.

But he also received an order.

The country of Tianfu.

After Liu Bei read this information, he burst out laughing.

"Sun Quan is really punished by God. Sure enough... God is waiting for me, Military Advisor Kong Ming... What do you think?"

When he handed the information to Zhuge Liang.

The latter's face became very ugly.

When Liu Bei saw this, he couldn't laugh anymore.

"military adviser?"

"Lord, this is a battle between heaven and man. It is not something that ordinary people like us can participate in. Maybe I need to find a teacher."

He and several counselors...

All came from Mr. Shui Jing’s command.

Although he is a mortal.

But in fact, you can also divination and cast simple spells.

Zhuge Liang is one of the best.

I hope to take advantage of this catastrophe.

To complete the cultivation of immortality.

However, Su Han's appearance made him feel the crisis.

If Liu Bei chooses to take the plunge.

Basically, the only thing waiting for him... is probably death.

So Zhuge Liang hopes that the other party will wake up.

Don't watch Sun Quan get beaten.

Just wanted to rush forward.

There is only one outcome for doing this.

That is destruction.

"Okay, then I'll listen to the military advisor."

"Well, I'll leave as soon as possible."

On the other side, in front of Cao Cao.

This is also the case.

Guo Jia and Jia Xu looked at the information and had an idea.

5.5 The world is in chaos.

This time the heavenly beings will be swept into it.

"What do you two think?"

"Lord, even the immortals in this world may not be able to sit still. If I attack at this time, I will probably suffer disaster. It is better to shrink the front. Let's see how the immortals deal with it.

It's not appropriate to interfere..."

Hear what Guo Jia said.

Cao Cao sighed: "It's a pity that Da Qiao and Xiao Qiao...".

Chapter 840 A-Qing returns from her mission, and the world begins to merge

There were strategists and generals around.

Hear what Cao Cao said.

The corners of his mouth twitched involuntarily.

You can always be calm, this immortal appears.

I'm afraid it could kill you in a matter of minutes.

And Cao Cao naturally understood his problem.

Naturally, I dare not mention anything.

On the other side, when Keqing completed the four-star mission.

The points were finally enough.

In the chat group.

Keqing: " @Everyone...everyone, I finally have enough points, come and exchange them for treasures!"

Yae Shenzi: "By the way, what is your mission reward? Which world did you go to? I'm sorry...12 I was sleeping just now, for these things.

Still not sure. "

She is pregnant now.

Spend a lot of time sleeping every day.

Nasida was so envious when she saw it.

Of course, the one I envy the most is Zaoyou.

Because people can sleep well every day.

There are countless people to take care of.

She was one of the errand boys.

Well, it's so hard to get some sleep.

Gan Yu: "Take care of yourself, and Shen He...don't work too hard recently, and learn more from the Son of God. Sleeping is the best virtue..."

Shen He: "Yes, I know...but I want to sleep next to Su Han, so that I will feel more at ease."

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