“So, what about energy maintenance?”

"You underestimate the magic weapon like the Mountains and Rivers Sheji Diagram, such an innate treasure. It will absorb all the power to nourish the body... To put it simply.

It can absorb even the abyss.

But you can't detect it. "

"It's so terrifying, I really didn't expect it..."

"That's not all. Have you noticed that the world of Teyvat has become bigger..."

"Huh? You mean..."

Lisa's eyes were full of shock.

Doesn't Su Han's words mean that the world is slowly expanding?

"As you can imagine, the Mountains and Rivers Sheji Map takes this world as its core and slowly begins to nourish. This is the real sublimation. At the same time, just now

I gained access to the World Tree.

There is an issue there that is worth discussing. "

"what is the problem..."

"In the highest authority message of World Tree, besides me, there have been four descendants in this world... Lisa, you may find this story very interesting.

The first person is the founder of the First Throne and the person in charge of the First Throne.

Its name: Tianli.

Today's Sky Island is the opponent's power.

The second person is currently unknown...but it is certain that the other person is the second throne, but...there is no information to verify it at the moment.

Who was the other party and what did he do?

The third person, whose name is Alice... is Keli's mother. The other person traveled to the mainland and eventually founded the Witches' Association, which has the power of witches.

It was originally a controllable force, but soon after the other party left.

The witch's power begins to spiral out of control.

As for the fourth person..."

"Wait, Yingmei... If it must be the fourth person, then Sora... what happened to his brother?"

Looking at Lisa's shocked expression.

Su Han was a little indifferent.

Because he didn't know how to explain it.

World Tree will not lie to itself.

".¨Five hundred years ago... someone did come, but fell into a deep sleep. Sora appeared in Kanria, and began to wander away from other countries along the way.

Finally at the end of the journey.

Destiny was once again obscured.

Such a deliberate approach makes people wonder.

As for the second throne, actually... I think it may be the god who sacrificed it for Teyvat.

As for the empty issue, I have two guesses.

First, he is a time traveler... After he came to this world, he was contaminated by the abyss, so he had a mark, and was then recognized by the world.

recorded by the rules.

Affected by all powers, unlike me and Yingmei You.

So, second..."

"You said it's possible that Sora is a person created by Abyss based on Ying?"

"have no idea..."

Su Han looked out the window, his eyes a little cold.

Chapter 847 Speculations about Prince Kong, Su Han’s meeting with Yingmei

"Are you going to tell the other party about this?"

Lisa looked worried.

Because this thing is too terrifying.

Yingmei has been working hard to pursue her brother, even though she witnessed him falling into darkness.

Completely turned into an abyss.

However, Su Han can always help.

The problem is that the other person is not his brother at all.

Memories have been faked.

If this is the case, it would be really scary.

This will not only break Yingmei's heart.

It is estimated that the other party cannot accept such a thing.

Su Han heard the words and said: "Telling is necessary, but we also have to investigate the matter of Kanria. That country sunk in the earth.

We have to take some time to find 110.

I always feel that the war in Camria was not that simple.

And... about Sora, I wonder if there is something unexpected. "

"you mean?"

"Since the Doctor can slice himself into slices, and every time period has its own existence, then... is there a possibility?

Sora has been cloned.

You know everything about Abedo, right?

The current Abedo and the Abedo in the snowy mountains are actually three in total.

The first Albedo was made by Reindot.

So, since Alice can't be found, and Reindot can't be found... we naturally have no way of knowing this, but... Kanria's technology.

It is indeed possible to clone humans.

I think... Abedo's situation seems somewhat similar to Sora's.

But...one thing is uncertain. "

"That means that the other party has been helping Abyss. Even though...many lives in Teyvat died, he did not regret it and continued to do such things?"

"Yes, there are traces left by the other party in the layered rock abyss. The corpses of the Qiuqiu people inside are the remnants of Kanreia... and Kong went to that place.

A bouquet of flowers was left.

So, I've always felt... there's a big mystery here.

However, Sora...it would be a bit ridiculous to bring the blame on oneself like this..."

Su Han smiled lightly.

Submerge the laws of heaven with the abyss.

The price is the entire Tiwa (bcff), such crazy things.

Fortunately, he can do it.

It's simply heinous.

At the same time, what bothers Su Han is that since Kong... really loves life, why does he only love Kanriya?

And full of hatred for the Seven Gods.

Just hatred for heaven.

You can understand it yourself.

After all, it was the other party who gave the order.

But, what kind of hatred does the Seven Gods have, such as...the Great Merciful Tree King?

The other party did not participate in the Demon God War.

There is actually only one answer.

That is, Kong... himself and Kanrea have an unimaginable secret.

And it is precisely because of this secret.

Only then would they want to destroy the Seven Gods.

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