Does that mean when heading to that world?

It can directly break the immortal body. "

"Of course, you are worthy of Tohsaka Rin... So smart, yes... This time when we go over, we will break each other's immortality as soon as possible.

If he understands, let him go.

If he doesn't understand, I will send him to hell.

There are still things we need to confirm..."

"What is it? Brother..."

Sakura, who was sitting on the other side, asked doubtfully.

At this time, Artoria smiled and said: "Can people from other worlds cause harm to that kind of immortal body? Suppose... the witch sacrificed the world.

But in our world, there is no 5.5 that responds to them.

Our power does not belong to that world's system. "

"Hingguo, you answered correctly... You are worthy of being the stupid king."

"Oh, don't call that name, it's ugly..."

"Then what did I call you? Yaya?"

"...Forget it, do whatever you want. I can't pass this mission anyway."

"No, you can do it this time, because the difficulty of the task is not that high.".

Chapter 855 Five-star jellyfish joins the battle, and everyone begins to prepare for the mission

"Now that the mission has been determined, let's start selecting people..."

"I also support a quick resolution. After all, our time is limited."

"Well said..."

Everyone was talking a lot.

However, given that this time we have to fight gods.

Therefore, those who choose must be careful.

At the same time, don’t paddle too hard.

Su Han thought about it and decided on the first candidate.

That is Nasida, the Little Lucky Grass King.

"As an auxiliary character, and able to exert the powerful power of the environment, Nacida... you are the first choice to face Badr when the time comes.

I also need to use your strength. "

"Well, leave it to me."

Nasida said seriously.

Don't look at her small body.

The soul lives for five hundred years.


Proper adults.

It's wrong to treat her like a child, okay?

"The second person is Wendy, followed by Rosalind and Lisa... The battle between us may touch Thor. So your high mobility is very important.

There is also a heavily armored swordsman here.

Come to protect you.

At the same time, it can also protect you when you encounter the Valkyrie.

Yura, you can make up for this. "


The first team is configured.

Next is the second team.

Su Han looked at Beidou and said: "The second team must paddle and fish... Although this task seems difficult, in fact

There is a lot of oil and water.

The second team is to protect Kratos and assist him...

He has this big bald head as someone who attracts firepower.

Then, it is necessary to equip high-strength archers.

There are also terrible ranged attacks.

Keli, Wendy, and Gan Yu are the three output candidates.

Next, equip auxiliary characters.

Coral Palace Heart Sea...Qin...

That’s it for this time’s selection.

As for the summoners, it’s Artoria and me..."

I heard that Su Han's list was confirmed.

Others were a little surprised.

Such a tall task.

Is it really okay if I only bring two gods?

"Su Han, is this dangerous?"

The first person to speak was Lei Movie.

There are only two gods.

The peak combat power has not been reached.

If something goes wrong.

But what to do?

Ke Qing also had a worried face.

But Su Han said: "Don't be afraid, this mission is not that difficult, and... if you don't train others, always go with high combat effectiveness.

What else does it mean?

Talents are tempered from difficulties.

Because only in this way can they grow.

Difficulties are always the stepping stones for the strong.

Just be firm on yourself.

Only then can you come out with a new self..."

Facing Su Han.

Coral Palace Xinhai, who was originally feeling anxious, felt hope ignited in his heart.

She clenched her fists.

Nod vigorously.

"140Yes, I will continue to get stronger! I won't embarrass you..."

Facing the only chance.

Coral Palace swears in the heart.

You will never be embarrassed.

Even if you are injured, you must complete the mission. This is not only to give credit to the people of Haiji Island, but also to live up to Master Su Han's promotion.

I used to watch live broadcasts all the time.

This time I participated in the mission.

For her, it is still a challenge.

Beidou walked up to Youla and said with a smile: "Come on... don't be afraid of these, because only through continuous efforts can you overcome many obstacles...

Hehe, I believe you! "

"Well, don't swordsmanship has improved a lot now."

Yula said very confidently.

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