"Ugly thing, you call me Valkyrie? Don't come out and embarrass yourself...〃〃."

The other party's wailing soon came from the cliff.

Although it can fly.

But without feathers, it really can’t fly as neatly as before.

Listening to the sound of curses.

Su Han smiled contemptuously.

"Kratos, we will go our separate ways soon, but I will come back to find you. Will you take this person with you?"

"Take it with you...she is Odin's wife after all."

Kratos was silent for a while.

He took Freya and left.

Su Han turned to another path.

The plundering continued.

The Jiujie Lake teleportation array is in operation.

Everyone is separated.

Youla asked doubtfully: "Don't you have to worry about his death?"

"Don't worry, Kratos is a very tough guy. Just some little miscellaneous things are fine at all... The key is that we have to plunder enough things here to go back.

One day.

How much can we do.

It all depends on how you operate during this period.

As long as Odin and Thor don't come.

We will make a lot of money, anyway...when Ragnarok comes, everything will be over..."

Their location was Helheim.

This is the land of the dead.

There are countless souls inside.

And Su Han's target is these guys.

A powerful soul.

It will become its own tool.

And the power of soul.

It is also the power that the world of Tevart badly needs.

The Hall of Valor needs it.

You need it too.

This is the place I want most.

Kratos, who was heading to the top of the Nine Realms, took Freya forward.

In the snow and ice.

Two people and a head hid in the cave.

(Is that possible?) Freya asked: ".¨Do you really believe in the other party? He is also a god..."

"Don't try to deceive me. I won't listen to any of your words. Do you want to win over me to prevent your son from being killed? But he is a madman.

He will not let me go, nor will he let Su Hancang go.

Stop dreaming.

And, I have a hunch.

Su Han's power surpasses that of the God King...

Put away your petty thoughts..."

Pointed out by Kratos.

Freya's face was full of embarrassment.

Chapter 867 Find a wife for Kratos, Su Han’s strategy

"and you..."

"You can ask whatever you want. If you want to let your son go, I think you don't have to ask. Because I can't make the decision.

That Su Han is much stronger than me.

And also knows all my secrets.

It's like reading minds.

Nothing is hidden from him.

Your son's fate is not in my hands.

But Su Han..."

Kratos looked at the dancing bonfire.

He said in an indifferent voice.

He had already taken life and death lightly.

I chose death in front of Athena.

Just tell her.

I control my own life.

But in fact, Kratos also has a very clear understanding of his own strength.

Who can beat him?

Can't beat anyone.

He knew it all in his mind.

After Freya was silent for a while, she leaned her body against Kratos.

Before she could say anything.

He was pushed away hard by the other party.

"what you do?"

"I'm just cold, blocked by the power of God, the cold winter of Fimbul, leaving me unable to withstand it, if you want to see me freeze to death.

You could have pushed me out.

This little campfire is not enough to keep us warm. "

Freya's answer.

The big bald war god was somewhat silent.

But he didn't refuse.

Freya approached again.

The two enjoyed each other's warmth.

Although Freya is old, her appearance is not very good, and she even gave birth to a child.

But for Kratos.

Not bad actually.

Because he is also ugly.

And very fierce.

"I only have this one child, and I betrayed everything for my former husband... I have no family, no family... all I have left is this child.

What do you want me to do?

That feeling of being without support is something you can’t feel..."

Talk about past events.

Talk about your heart.

Freya is fragile and emotional.

It just so happened that Kratos also thought of his past.

It was a revenge nightmare.

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