Look now, my son is rebellious...I don't know what to do.

. .... 0

Very pitiful..."

Warm little hands.

Massaging his loneliness.

This was Artoria's first time doing something like this.

Although the surrounding environment is not good.

However, the more places like this.

It will be more exciting.

Especially when the other sisters wake up.

Sneaky feeling.

It made her feel strange.

However, when Arturia tried hard, she found that her fingers touched another person.

The muscles of Xinhai in Coral Palace next to him suddenly tensed up.

Then he changed his position and continued to sleep soundly as if nothing had happened.

"What should we do next? Should we look for Ragnarok, or should we find the Serpent of the World, Jormungandr..."

"No, we only want resources and not those things." Death.

Chapter 869 What does the World Snake do? What we want is the resources here, even the flame giants are useless

The Serpent of the World.


It looks very powerful, but in fact... it's just a giant python, but... it was created by the kid Atreus using the magic of the giants.

The soul of a giant clan.

Integrate into each other's body.

That's why Su Han has no interest in Jörmungandr.

After all, such a thing exists.

It's just a huge monster.

Killing also takes up space.

Far from the "140" that wreaked havoc in this place.

The benefits from the crazy invasion of the other nine realms are huge.

It's a pity that everyone didn't rest for long.

The enemy is coming.

This is a group of Valkyries. I don’t know where they got the news from, and they didn’t rest under the night.

Found here directly.

Fortunately, their strength is not too strong.

Although there are more people.

But without Su Han taking action, others would kill these Valkyries.

And Youla is one against three.

The icy sword energy turned into the Nine Heavens Gang Wind.

Directly covering the two Valkyries.

And he turned around and chopped down the Valkyrie who teleported in front of him to the ground.

"Huh... what a troublesome guy. He's so fast... and his fighting is so wild. If I hadn't been able to keep up with my speed, I really wouldn't have been able to kill three guys at once!"

behind her.

Among the two giant ice sculptures.

Likewise, one Valkyrie was killed on the spot.

And there are countless traces of sword energy penetrating his chest.

The water prison in the Coral Palace Heart Sea was nearby for defense, and he said: "I will restore your strength, let's continue... In addition to the ghost world, we can also plunder several other worlds."

"There's a question I've always wanted to ask, what would happen if we found Shirter now?"

"If Ragnarok comes, we won't have anything to gain from!"

Su Han smiled helplessly.

Fire giant Shirter.

It is the culprit that destroys Odin's world. Once Chaos is inserted into the opponent's body, and Shirter is willing.

It will cause the biggest disaster in the world.

In fact, Odin's pantheon was shattered in this way.

Shirter transformed into an extremely powerful giant.

Lost my mind.

Lost myself.

Destroyed the sky.

But there is no benefit in doing so, at least for Su Han.

Of no use.

Far less than the constant plundering now.

Coming again and again...

After hearing this, everyone thought for a moment.

Found that to be the case.

Everyone is like rats, it is enough to constantly steal the resources of this world.

And once destroyed.

All things are unavailable.

That's the difference.

Su Han tightened his cloak and said, "Leave here while the night is dark and find a safe place to rest."


Left this world.

Su Han uses spiritual energy.

Everyone was transferred directly to Jiujie Lake.

After a short break.

Then he entered another world.

This is one of the nine realms.

It just leads to the bottom.

Moreover, Su Han remembered correctly.

Here is Odin's dog - the poisonous dragon Nidhogg!

The rhizome of the Nine Realms 5.5, entangled by Odin's magic.

The poisonous dragon Nidhogg is here to guard.

See enemies appear.

The poisonous dragon Nidhogg let out a thundering roar, but before it could become arrogant, a sword blade sank into his heart.


In the huge eyes.

Full of disbelief.

It didn't come to mind.

He was killed so easily.

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