"My lord is back..."

"Hahaha, our hero is back!"

"Master Su Han, are you okay..."

"Lord Su Han..."


Looking at the enthusiastic workers and the admiring black blade troops.

Su Han said to them: "Don't get excited, everyone, let's collect the bodies first. All the victims will be recorded, and other troops will be summoned to search for the bodies.

Even if it's broken.

Bring them back too. "

"Yes, Master Su Han."

Wait until the soldiers are busy in an orderly manner.

Only then did Keqing and others come to him.

"How are you? Where is the Wind Demon Dragon..."

"I'm not seriously injured, I'm just a little out of strength. The Wind Demon Dragon was hit by my blast. It will probably take at least a while to recover."

Su Han sat on the ground.

His face turned a little pale.

Looking at Dragon Breath head on, he was still a little injured.

However, having domineering body protection is no big deal.

"Brother Su Han, I want to see Brother Su Han "Two Five Zero"..."

He had just sat down.

Keli's voice came from far away.

Not a moment.

Everyone saw a little loli carrying a bag rushing in front of Su Han.

When the other party discovered Su Han.

His eyes suddenly lit up.

"I finally found you, brother Su Han..."

Kelly rushed into his arms.

They nuzzled together like a kitten, and then said excitedly: "I didn't expect that big brother really beat that flying lizard away...

It's really awesome. "


The flying lizard in your mouth.

Could it be the Wind Demon Dragon?

Su Han touched Keli's head and said with a smile: "Because the eldest brother, I am more powerful, so that big lizard was beaten away at once.

It's you, Xiao Keli... who sneaked out this time.

I'm sure I'll be scolded again when I come back. "

"Well... But Keli is not afraid. And knowing her big brother, Keli is very happy... Even if she is in solitary confinement.

Keli won’t be afraid! "

Looking at the girl pretending to be strong.

Su Han said dotingly: "Don't worry, there is a big brother here... to ensure that Keli will not be imprisoned. And she will not be scolded..."


"Of course, we pull the hook."


You won't get scolded if you hear it.

Keli immediately stretched out her finger.

The two hung themselves on hooks and made a contract.

Keqing next to her whispered: "I didn't expect him to like children so much..."

Gan Yu nodded, suddenly remembered something, and whispered: "I heard Hu Tao say that Su Han hadn't become a national treasure before.

I often spend money to buy some snacks or candies.

Give it to the kids..."

Looking at Keli who admired him so much, Su Han remembered Ningguang's bet, so he asked with a smile: "Keli, do you want to stay in Liyue for a while.

Big brother likes you very much.

Besides, Sugar hasn’t seen you for a long time. "

"Eh... is it true? It's true. Keli hasn't seen Sister Sugar for a long time... I heard from the brothers in the Knights.

Sister Sugar is very busy.

But since she left.

Brother Abedo didn't come back either.

Keli can only make bouncing bombs by herself.

So boring...

If...if Captain Qin allows it, Keli will accompany her eldest brother to Liyue. "

For Xiao Keli.

The brother who can defeat the flying lizard.

That's a great hero!

He is his idol.

Moreover, she also yearns for Liyue.

Although my mother said that I wanted to stay in the Knights, but...but my eldest brother should be pretty good too.

Stay with him.

Should be very interesting.

Looking at Keli who was about to move.

Su Han showed a fox-like smile and said, "As long as you are willing, Keli, brother, there are more fun things.

There are also Digimon to play with you. "

"Digimon, what is that...a pet..."

"Digimon, it's a long story. Only kind children can get it."

"Kelly is kind!"


The people next to me couldn't bear to look at him.

Because everyone can see it.

Su Han is abducting this little loli.

Almost half an hour later.

Diluc, Qin and others came to Su Han.

"Keli, we have been looking for you for a long time, but we didn't expect you to be hiding here!"

"Wow...it's Captain Qin."

When Little Sun saw Qin, he didn't run over to her at first, but subconsciously hid behind Su Han.

Kaia watched her act like this.

He looked at the strange man curiously.

When you see the other person's face clearly.

He quickly stepped forward and asked: "Hello, Mr. Su Han. I am the cavalry captain of the Mondstadt Knights..."

The people next to me heard this.

Naturally understand.

Man sitting on the ground.

He is the core character of Liyue.

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