Keli said in surprise: "Meow Meow Beast, what's wrong with you...are you having a bad stomach!"


"I...I'm going to evolve."


Wind Demon Dragon meat contains elemental power.


It has already exceeded the capacity of Meow Meow Beast.


Accompanied by the light gradually brightening.

Meowmon turned into Pupmon!

Keqing's head was full of black lines, she looked at Su Han and asked: "What kind of strange evolutionary route is this? Why did the cat turn into a dog..."

Although cute it is still cute.

However, she still prefers cats.

Zhongli looked surprised and said: "What an interesting evolution..."

In the light of that evolution.

He actually felt a flash of divine power.

This pet is called Digimon.

It seems really not simple.

Shen He knelt down and touched the little beast, and said with a gentle expression: "I like dogs better..."

"Uh... I'm sorry, but its next evolution will still be a cat."

Su Han interrupted Shen He's fantasy with words.

Because of the next stage of evolution of Pupmon.

It's Dilumon.

Shen He smiled and said: "At least it is still a dog now..."

At this time, the rolling ball beast was also fed a bunch of barbecue by Xiangling.

Evolved directly into Agumon.

"Hey...has the Rolling Ball Beast evolved too? It's so feels like a little dinosaur..."

"It looks like it's a little dinosaur in itself."

Granu pushed up his glasses and gave the correct answer.

She has read many of Master Abedo's notes.

There is a dragon like this inside.

".¨Master, I'm so hungry... Can you give me some more meat..."

Agumon just evolved.

All the strength in the body was consumed.

I'm almost fainting from hunger now.

Su Han smiled when he heard this and said: "Eat, you will be full today!"

"Okay, hehe..."

Agumon picked up a piece of meat and ate it with a big mouthful.

And Littlemon is no exception.

The atmosphere is getting more and more lively.

Xiangling's cooking skills were also put to full use.

Let the guests come.

Very satisfied.

After having enough wine and food.

Su Han said to Shen He: "I have asked Xiangling to pack the food just now. Let's send some to Mr. Liuyun Jiefeng tomorrow..."

Over there at Wangshu Inn.

He's already taken care of it.

It will be delivered when the train arrives.

Only Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun had some difficulties.

Shen He looked at him, shook his head and said, "Master doesn't like this very much..."

"What do you know, this is polite..."

His two apprentices gave them to him.

How can I not return the favor?

Facing Su Han's stubbornness, Shen He nodded and said, "Okay, I'll listen to you..."

Things like human nature and sophistication.

She doesn't understand.

But Shen He's advantage is that he is obedient.

I don’t understand.

But very well-behaved.

Whatever Su Han said, he listened to what he said.

For example, it would be more comfortable to sleep without clothes at night.

It's exactly what he said.

Very comfortable indeed.

It's just that sometimes my body feels strangely restless.

the next day.

When Shen He came to Aozang Mountain with a food box.

Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun looked at the food box and said in surprise: "I didn't expect that you, who is cold and cold, have also learned how to be humane. What did you bring back?"

"Su Han asked me to send it. There is some meat from the Wind Demon Dragon."

"Wind Demon Dragon? Guardian of the Four Winds...that guy from Mondstadt?"

Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun was very surprised.

That little guy is getting more and more outrageous.

Can you even eat dragon meat?

Seeing the surprised expression on his master's face, Shen He explained: "That day the Wind Demon Dragon attacked, it was considered a trophy... If you don't like to eat it, just forget it."

"Who says I don't like eating it? I would vomit after eating those fairy grass every day! Hmm... It's indeed dragon meat, it's so fragrant. This taste must have been made by that girl from Wanmintang.

Although it's a little cold.

But it doesn't affect the deliciousness of dragon meat at all.

What are you doing looking at me like this?

By the way, I see that the evil spirit in your body is getting less and less. Do you sleep with him every day?

Shen He, I am not talking about you.

Both of them were lying on the same bed.

Don’t you know what to do?

Well, I don’t understand from the looks of you, forget it... I’ll teach you a lesson.

Here are some books.

It was left behind by the treasure thief group.

Take it and have a look. It would be great if I can see your child next year... I really like Su Han's child more and more, but it's a pity that I only have two disciples..."

Shen He... Shen He didn't speak the whole time.

I even wanted to run away directly.

Because this master talks too much.

Chapter 114 Keli blows up Hutao’s house, Xingqiu and Chongyun join forces!

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