The fireball suddenly fell.

It covered dozens of meters around Ganyu.

She couldn't escape even if she wanted to.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry that the demon-killing divine fire is ineffective against the Qilin clan..."

Gan Yu replied coldly.

Then three consecutive shots burst out.

Bleak frost.

Not only does it freeze the air 5.4.

Together with the demon-destroying divine fire, they all turned into ice.

The golden-faced Vulcan felt cold in his heart and quickly dodged away.

But when he just stopped.

There was a deep chill in his left arm.

He can hit the arrow.

"This...when is this? How could she predict where I will move..."

The golden-faced Vulcan looked at his arm that had turned into ice.

My heart is full of fear.

No longer as arrogant as before.

This woman is so weird.

Moreover, it is obviously a monster.

But he is not afraid of his own demon-killing divine fire.

What the hell is going on!

In desperation.

The golden-faced Vulcan shouted at the disciples of the Dao Alliance: "Are you just watching a show? Someone is interfering in our competition, why don't you come and help..."

Facing the fox demon in Tushan.

He felt at ease.

However, the woman below brought him endless terror.

That cold arrow.

Like a sickle harvesting life.

Even the demon-killing divine fire can be frozen.

If you are hit.

The consequences are disastrous.

The Dao League disciples looked at the woman in blue below and looked at each other.

Edgeworth flew towards her.

Obviously he wanted to help the golden-faced Vulcan.

Chapter 117 Gan Yu’s unicorn state, the golden-faced Vulcan feels that he can do it again

Although this woman has extraordinary temperament.

Fairy spirit fluttering.

However, what monsters are best at is lying!

Moreover, a woman with horns on her head.

What is it if it's not a monster?

"Witch, don't be so presumptuous!!!"

"Sword Technique·Wanli Riding the Wind..."


"Sword Technique·Qingmu Linlin..."


Gan Yudu has clearly stated that he is Qilin.


These people from the Dao Alliance didn't believe it at all, and instead fought.


The sky is full of sword energy.


Falling towards Ganyu.


The two fox demons on the top of the city suddenly exclaimed.


"No, get away quickly!!"


"These human Taoist priests are so disgusting!"


The two kept cursing.


But the anxiety in his eyes has not diminished by half.


If the benefactor who saved their sister was injured because of this, they would be sad.

The fox demon in red wants to help.

But the distance is too far.

But the next scene left everyone stunned.

The succubus in blue.

Didn't fly away.

He just stood there and twisted his body slightly.

Every time there is a subtle distance.

But he just managed to dodge all the attacks.

What ability is this?

The dense sword energy was as terrifying as a heavy rain.

But she was as elegant as taking a leisurely stroll.

Everyone didn't know that in Gan Yu's perception, all attacks seemed to be in slow motion, and she could even sense a hint of the future in advance.

The people from the Dao League watched the other party dodge and finish.

Everyone's heart went crazy.

If there was self-confidence blocking them just now, now they only have fear and fear in their hearts.

Just imagine.

A demon girl who is so terrifying when dodging attacks.

Then her true strength.

How terrifying.

The golden-faced Vulcan in the distance turned pale and couldn't believe his eyes.

More than twenty masters attacked together.

But he didn't even touch a hair on anyone's head.

This guy is really scary.

I have to escape.

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