These three things are filled with strong elemental power.

And the style is simple.

You can tell at a glance that it is very historical.

"What's this?"

"They were once the relics of my comrades-in-arms, and they have been kept by me. Now they are given to you. Don't underestimate these three things.

Tears of the Crystal Blue Sky is my friend's favorite treasure. It can not only gather water elements, but also heal oneself during battle.

Dandelion Wind Boots, too.

Its effect is to allow the user to walk on the wind and soar into the sky for a short period of time.

The third item is Vanessa's bracelet, which can create a powerful wind shield.

Protect the user from harm. "

Look at the three items sent out.

Wendy's eyes were full of nostalgia.

All the former partners are gone.

If it weren't for Tevarin.

I will never take out these nostalgic things.

The story is over.

Wendy looked at Su Han and asked, "Are these enough?"

"That's enough! I don't see how generous you are... As expected of Master Fengshen, you are so generous."

Su Han accepted the treasure with a smile.

But I don’t know why.

Wendy wanted to vomit when she saw his smile.

This guy is so disgusting.

It's no good to scold yourself crazily.

If there are benefits, then Master Fengshen, right?

"Okay, now that the compensation is over, it's time for me to leave... I hope Liyue and Mond will not get worse because of the Feng Molong incident."

"Don't worry about this. I, Su Han, will never avenge myself. Liyue and Mond are brothers..."

Looking at the man who spoke righteously.

Wendy's face was as black as coal and she snorted coldly: "Then the way you treat your brothers is really special..."

Mondstadt will be attacked at every turn.

Whoever becomes your brother is really unlucky for eight lifetimes.

Looking at Lord Fengshen who turned around and was about to leave.

Su Han suddenly reminded: "You don't have the ability to help Tevarin get rid of the abyss poisonous blood in your body, right? Just like Zhongli can't stop Ruotuo Dragon King from wearing out."

"Sometimes there are things that gods cannot do."

Wendy stopped.

He said without looking back.

He is not as incompetent as Su Han said.

However, he really couldn't purify the poisonous blood in Tevalin's body.

Su Han heard this and said: "Maybe you should go and see Tevalin now. Its condition should be better."

"Huh? What do you mean..."

Wendy turned around and looked at him doubtfully.

I don't understand what the other person means.

Tevalin should be recovering from his injuries now.

Why would he say that the situation has improved instead?

Su Han explained: "My power is somewhat special, it can purify the power of the abyss, and the attack that day was all my power.

Maybe...I mean maybe.

It's uncertain whether Tevalin has regained some sanity now. "

At that time, he used the power of destroying demons to explode.

Maybe Tevalin would get some relief from this.

Wendy nodded and said: "Okay, I will go and see Tevalin. If it is like what you said...please help me."

Without waiting for Su Han to speak.

He has turned into a breeze.

Disappeared in Qunyu Pavilion.

At this moment, Ningguang, who heard the arrival of the Wind God, came in a hurry.

However, when entering the Qunyu Pavilion.

But he saw that Su Han was the only one on the seat.

Ningguang asked in confusion: "Where is the God of Wind?"

"Half the bard left the treasure and left. This is the compensation he sent. You choose one... They are all from ancient times.

A relic of the wind god's companion. "

It’s been a long time since I gave Ningguang a gift.

Today is just an opportunity.

Ning Guang looked at the three items on the table, and finally his eyes were attracted to the sapphire pendant.

That magnificent sapphire.

It's so beautiful.

Su Han glanced at the pendant and felt that it was very suitable for condensing light, so he said, "Come and let me put it on for you..."

have to say.

Elegant and noble beauty.

Wear this jewelry.

It fits perfectly.

Ning Guang looked at the pendant on her chest and asked with a smile, "Is it beautiful?"

"Of course, it's just that your current clothes don't match well... It would be better if you change to another one."

"I'm afraid if I change, someone will be jealous again."

Ning Guang rolled her eyes at him, not believing what Su Han said.

Her current dress.

But it's the kind of person who doesn't show his flesh.

I haven’t worn the long skirt that exposed my thighs for a long time.

As for why?

It's not like the bad man in front of him said that he didn't like those businessmen looking at him lustfully.

Su Han chuckled and said, "We can wear it at home..."

" are beautiful! Since there is nothing wrong, I will go back first...I was originally worried that you and Fengshen would quarrel, so I came in a hurry.

Unexpectedly, it was still a step too late.

I hope Fengshen, who was cheated by you, won't be angry. "

"Angry? I'm afraid that the God of Wind will have to thank me..."

Su Han said with disdain.

Ning Guang was stunned when he heard this and asked: "How do you say..."

You've chopped off the wings of other people's partners.

Is it possible that I still need to thank you?

Unless the other person is crazy.

Su Han chuckled and said, "Just wait and see, there's a high chance... Fengshen will have to beg for my head."

Anyway, Yingmei is not awake.

The poisonous blood of the abyss in Tevalin's body.

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