Zhongli: "This is how you use your feelings..."

He originally thought it was something strange.

As a result, Su Han used a method he didn't expect.

But this is for Liyue's good.

It's better not to tell that drunkard.

At this time, Yaegongji happened to be free, and saw that the group was giving out benefits again.

I really couldn't bear it anymore.

Yao Shenzi: "Did you see it? Little Linghua...this is the welfare of Liyue, look at our rice wife?

So poor.

As the first shrine maiden of Narukami Taisha Shrine.

And I, who is the descendant of the Thunder God.

He couldn't even eat fried tofu freely.

Let's betray Thor and head to Mondstadt overnight..."

Kamisato Ayaka: "Mr. Yaeguji, please calm down..."

Yae Shenzi: "Why are you so calm? Look at how others are treated, and look at us... Wuwu, I want to keep a small notebook for Yingji.

If she doesn’t make it up to me in the future.

I exposed all the dirty stuff about her. "

Kamisato Ayaka: "..."

Mona: "..."

Keqing: "..."

Ning Guang: "..."

Is this what a descendant of the gods can say?

However, Su Han expressed his understanding.

But there is no way, who makes Dao's wife poor?

Unfortunately, knowing the fox well, he understood that the other party was greedy for food.

Su Han: "Don't worry, I've left ten pounds of meat for you."

Yae Shenzi: "Ahem... I was a little drunk just now, you know...".

Chapter 123 Regarding the idea of ​​a sea train, Gan Yu carries out an independent mission (second update)

Although the fox is speaking in an incoherent tone.

But her lack of airs made everyone in the group like her.

Because I can joke around freely.

The first person to arrive at Qunyu Pavilion.

Of course it’s Mona.

Today she went out to study astrology, but she didn't know how her study went.

In short, he was raised in Qunyu Pavilion.

I seem to have gained a little weight recently.

Or maybe the body has developed a second time.

At least it looks that flat.

However, the clothes are still so sexy.

"How are you feeling today?"

"It's okay... After practicing the Haki of Insight, I have a new understanding of astrology. Recently, I heard Ning Guang say that Liyue is short of technical talents again.

Do you want me to dig some from Fontaine for you? "

"How to dig?"

Su Han looked at her doubtfully.

I've never heard of her having any connections before.

Mona rolled her eyes and said, "It's Fontainebleau's newspaper. Haven't I been publishing academic knowledge in the zodiac section?

Naturally, I am very familiar with the editor-in-chief there.

Yesterday I heard Ningguang talk about the shortage of talents.

The plan to study sea trains can only be shelved.

I was just wondering if I should recruit some people from Fontaine for you..."

Among the Seven Kingdoms.

Except that Solstice Kingdom is a kingdom of science and technology.

Fontaine's technological power is not bad either.

Mainly because their country already has talents in this field.

The original Liyue and Dao Wife.

They are all people who hired Fontaine.

Su Han came to his senses and said with a smile: "Okay, you can just ask Ning Guang for payment. However, the sea train wants to be opened.

It's really not that simple. "

Within junior engineering.

The technology was just mentioned.

I want to really apply it.

A lot of research is needed.

Ning Guang wants to study sea trains.

Naturally, he wants to do a lot of trade with Inazuma in the future.

But...it's just difficult at the moment.

First, there was Inazuma's thunderstorm.

If you can win Thor at this point.

Of course it can be easily solved.

Secondly, if the sea train is launched.

It is not necessary to go directly to Narukami Island from Yunlaihai.

Because the sea is too vast.

Even if the fools don't mess with the abyss.

There may also be a crisis of sea monsters destroying the railway tracks.

Ning Guang didn't want to see the train heading to the bottom of the sea.

Therefore, the sea train's route is from near the Kuroiwa Factory to Kaiji Island.

This distance was mapped.

It's actually closer than going from Liyue Port to Mondstadt!

In other words, as long as the sea train is established.

From Liyue to Daozhi.

It only takes a few hours.

Of course, arriving at Narukami Island will be slow.

This still requires technical improvement!

However, this does not hinder Ningguang's plan.

For many things, it is better to prepare in advance.

Otherwise, who knows how many years and months it will take to deal with Thor.

Later, Sugar came back from outside with Keli.

Looking at Little Sun's excited expression, you know that she had a great time today.

"Wow... Big brother is back! Keli misses you so much...〃~."

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