But you can also feel the chill in the air.

Then, she disappeared.

He ran towards the backyard.

The heavy rain poured down on me, sending out billowing heat.




Countless branches spread out from the ground.

They are very flexible.

They want to besiege Hutao from all sides.

"Secret Technique for Requiem..."


The soul was thrown out.

All the branches were broken.

But at this moment, a black shadow blocked her face.

"Where did this yellow-haired girl come from to disturb grandma's good deeds..."

The other party was hunched over.

He was holding a cane in his hand and looking at Hu Tao with cold eyes.

In the light of flames.

She could even see the wrinkles on the other person's face that looked like wood lines.

Not to be outdone, Hu Tao replied: "Of course I'm here to deal with you, the ugly guy..."

The female ghosts nearby looked shocked.

Does this guy know what he is going to say?

Grandma Shu hates people saying she is ugly the most.

Youdao means hitting people without slapping them in the face, and scolding people without exposing their shortcomings.

Hu Tao's unintentional words completely ignited Grandma Shu's anger.

"Damn little girl, look at grandma, if I don't peel off your skin, fuck it all...what are you watching!"

I heard Grandma Shu’s order.

The female ghosts went crazy and rushed towards Hu Tao.

Because who dares to disobey?

He will face the result of being killed.

The sky is full of evil spirits, coming again and again.

Hu Tao calmly closed her eyes and recited the magic spell.

A flash of lightning quickly lit up from the palm of her left hand.

"Refa·Destruction Palm..."

Fiery white thunder exploded in the sky.

Hundreds of evil spirits.

Most of it was evaporated in an instant.

The female ghosts were so frightened that they screamed and left.

Grandma Shu was also very shocked.

Because Leifa is a force that suppresses evil spirits in this world.

"You...you actually know the thunder method?"

"So what, old woman... suffer death!"

No more female ghosts causing trouble.

Walnut naturally felt much more relaxed.

Take action directly to hit the opponent without defense.

Unfortunately, Grandma Shu's reaction was faster than hers.

Withdrew one step ahead.

Only some branches were left, beaten to pieces by walnuts.

"Damn it, running so fast..."

Stomping her feet girlishly.

He turned around and continued running towards the backyard.

But this temple was so huge that before Hutao arrived in the backyard, countless tree roots emerged from the ground.

They turned into flexible arms.

Attacking like crazy.

Hu Tao had no choice but to dodge.

But the enemy is more cunning than her. The roots on the ground seem to be free of money.

Death-defying appearance.

One pile was broken, and another pile appeared.

It seems endless.

"No, if this is the case. My energy will soon be exhausted..."

Walnut didn't know how many times he smashed the tree roots into pieces.

Finally figured it out.

This won't work.

So, she kicked her legs hard and rushed towards the sky.

Since you can't break out from the ground.

Then choose the sky.

However, after arriving in the air, Hutao heard Grandma Shu's triumphant voice.

"You are such a little kid, you dare to go to the sky, you are my grandma, don't you know how to fight? Buried in a sea of ​​blood..."

Countless sharp leaves.

Accompanied by violent storms.

They rushed towards Hutao together.

If hit.

It will definitely be seriously injured.


Within the Zhutian mission group.

Ning Guang: "No...the gap is too big. The strength of the Millennium Fairy is indeed much greater than that of Hu Tao..."

Keqing: "Yes, although I don't want to admit it. But Lanruo Temple has long been built into an iron barrel array..."

The ground is the roots.

The sky is leaves.

At the same time, the violent storm was also summoned by the other party.

What should I do?

Gan Yu: "If it rains all the time, the ice attribute is actually very popular, as long as it freezes the ground.

Those annoying tree roots will no longer appear. "

Beidou: "No... Hu Tao is not as stupid as you. If she continues to choose to fight in the air, she must be prepared.

I played against this kid.

Although a little naughty, his brain is very useful. "

Hutao is indeed moving in the picture.

A transparent sphere flew out from her palm.

This turned out to be three-point return of vitality! ! !

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