Squeeze yourself too much.

Sometimes it can be counterproductive.

Ningguang smiled and said: "I haven't been to Mondstadt for a long time. Let's all come together. Today is a day off..."

"Okay, let's go to Mondstadt together."

Keli heard Ningguang's words.

Jumped with joy.

And Sugar also laughed and said: "I have been out for more than a month, so I might as well go back and have a look. Maybe Master Abedo has returned home too."

"Well, let's go together then..."

Su Han nodded.

Afterwards, everyone came to the station.

Take the train and head towards Mondstadt.

Crossing Guiliyuan, crossing the beautiful Dihuazhou, we soon arrived at Shimen Canyon.

Because of the last war.

This place has become a very spacious place.

Also to protect the rails.

A large barracks was established here.

Liyue's Black Blade Troop also has a branch stationed here.

And left Shimen Canyon.

Then he entered Mondstadt's area.

The charming floral fragrance floats in the wind.

It attracted everyone to be intoxicated.

Keqing took a deep breath and said with a smile: "It tastes so sweet...it's pinwheel chrysanthemum..."

"Nearby here is Diluc's manor. In order to make wine, he has always asked his servants to plant many flowers and plants, so the air along this route is very good."

Sugar as a native of Mondstadt.

Explain the reason to everyone.

Beidou smiled when he heard this and said: "The price of Diluc's wine is now reduced by 40%. Let's buy some later."

Ningguang nodded and said: "The transportation is convenient, so the price is naturally cheap. Anyway, I'm going out for an outing, so I'll buy some later..." Guang.

Chapter 131 Mond wants to bring Keli back and meets Irene, a girl who wants to become a knight.

Ning Guang doesn't hate drinking.

He just hates Su Han drinking because he gets drunk after drinking a little.

This time I go out for an outing occasionally.

The mood is still very good.

Gradually the train arrived at the Diluc family's manor.

Since there was no need to ship goods, I just stood there for ten minutes before moving on.

Travel through Diluc Manor.

Climb a hillside.

Then we came to Qingquan Town.

"Wow... we arrived in Qingquan Town so quickly. Keli hasn't gone to fry fish for a long time. Brother Su Han, do you want to accompany me to fry fish?"

"As much as I want to go,... fish frying is not allowed in Mondstadt."

"Ah...I remembered. Mondstadt Fish Fry is going to be imprisoned..."

Keli recalled the dark face of Captain Qin.

For a moment, I didn’t want to go.

Such a comparison.

It seems that Liyue is better.

Keli will not be locked up there, and there will be people to play with Keli.

When arriving at Qingquan Town.

The time has come to noon.

Although the town is small.

But because the springs here are very famous.

In addition, it is the only way to go to Benlangling and other places.

Therefore, it slowly became prosperous here.

And today the train opens.

It also filled the town with people.

"Oh my god. Is this a train..."

"It's actually made of steel "267". This thing is much faster than a carriage..."

"Of course, haven't you waited for the promotion of the Knights of the West Wind? It only takes more than two hours from Qingquan Town to Guiliyuan in Liyue."

"Oh my god, so fast..."

There were many people watching.

Many hunters have never seen technological products in their lives.

For them.


It is the most important means of transportation.

The first time I heard about trains, I was really shocked.

Sugar smiled at Su Han and said, "Then I'll go to Mondstadt first. We'll see you later..."

"Kelly is going to Mondstadt too!"

"Then let's go for a walk too..."

Gan Yu and Ke Qing looked at each other and smiled.

And Mona also followed them, saying that she had something to do.

They all walked towards Mondstadt.

As for Ningguang, Shen He and Su Han, they found a place to work in Qingquan Town.

Walk on the road.

Looking at the divided and simple town.

Ningguang whispered: "The development is very backward, and the economic strength is also much worse..."

"Yes, Mondstadt values ​​freedom. Naturally, the national strength is not as good as ours..."

Su Han has long been accustomed to Ningguang's so-called outings.

In her eyes.

The purpose of coming out to play was actually to find out Mond's information with my own eyes.

Others actually came out to relax.


At this time, in the city of Mondstadt.

A knight sent the information about the arrival of Su Han and others to Qin.

"You said... everyone from Liyue is here?"

"Yes, Captain Qin! Not only them, but also Kelisangtang is back, maybe they came out to relax..."

"I see, you go and invite Miss Lisa. Let her come to my place..."


A few minutes later.

Rose Witch Lisa came to her.

"Why are you so anxious to see me..."

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