Looking at the well-behaved Daocheng Yingmei.

Yae Shenzi smiled faintly, and his body turned into lightning and disappeared.

She looked for a deserted place.

Only then did I receive the mission.


At this time, in the mission world.

Tangjiabao was in panic due to the attack of poisonous people.

Many servants were frightened and ran away.

As for Xuejian and Jingtian, after they came back, they found that the whole place had turned into a pile of loose sand.

"Where's my grandpa?"

"Has anyone seen my grandpa..."

she asked, grabbing a servant.

The other party kept shaking his head.

"I don't know...Miss, I really don't know...Run away, the poisonous man is coming..."

Looking at the servant leaving with the package on his back.

Xue stomped her feet in anger.

Afterwards, she began to search continuously, and finally confirmed that her grandfather was missing.

At this time, a large number of poisonous people have climbed over the wall.

Came in front of her and Jingtian.

"No, there are too many poisonous people..."

"Run, run quickly..."

Both of them looked terrified.

At this time, a purple thunder crashed from the sky, and the fiery thunder breath knocked out all the poisonous people nearby.

Listen to the thunder.

The two of them quickly went back to take a look.

I saw it on the roof.

There was an extremely noble woman standing there.

And the poisonous people who pursue them.

Then they all fell to the ground.

The other party glanced at the fainted poisonous man, nodded with satisfaction, and then floated down from above.

".¨Immortal, you must be an immortal...Thank you for saving us."

"Wait, Sedum...she's not human!"

Yukimi saw Yae Kamiko's ears at a glance.

It looks like this.

It can only be a monster.

"So what if you're not human? If it weren't for me just now, you would have been killed...

Two vulgar little guys, why don't you say thank you for coming?

There is really no discipline..."

She said this.

The two of them felt embarrassed instantly.

Monster or not.

At least he saved himself.

Xuejian quickly lowered his head and said: "Thank you for your life-saving grace..."

"Immortal, do you know what happened to the poisonous man? There was an immortal who was investigating before, but he was too weak.

Nothing could be found at all. "

Facing Sedum’s inquiry.

Yae Shenzi said with a smile: "I do know about the poisonous people, and this time I am here just to solve the matter.

But...everything has a price.

Little girl, I helped you rescue grandpa, how do you want to repay me? "

"What? Do you know where my grandpa is..."

"Well, he was taken away by your second uncle and the people from Perak Hall. He should have been imprisoned... (for money)."

"What? Second uncle! Okay... Immortal, as long as you can help me rescue grandpa, I can do anything you want."

"Oh, don't be so excited. I just want a share of your Tang family's treasures. Let's go..."

I heard it was just a treasure.

Instead of making yourself a slave.

Xuejian breathed a sigh of relief.

Then, the two of them followed behind the Eightfold God Son and walked towards the interior of Tangjiabao.

Jingtian came over at this time and asked: "Immortal, what treasure do you want? I wonder if I can take a look..."

"Well, the treasure I want is called the Five Poison Beasts. It is also an important thing to resolve this crisis..."

"What? You actually know that our Tang family has five poisonous beasts."

"Of course, as an immortal, I still know this..."

Yae Shenzi is addicted to pretending to be a god.

She found that for people from other worlds, all she had to do was imitate Liyue Immortal and speak.

It's extremely useful.

It was so much fun.

Everyone in the group was also amused by Tan Fox's performance.


Shen He: "I have to say, she learned very well. Her expressions are very precise..."

Ke Qing: "This is talent!"

Ningguang: "Maybe he's used to fooling people."

Qin: "..."

Since joining this group, she has found that she has learned a lot.

You see, this lie was done without blinking an eye.

Chapter 139: The fox conquers the five poisonous beasts and challenges the fairy fox, but he must be prepared to die

Tang Xuejian asked the immortal for the five poisonous beasts.

Not disgusted.

Even in her eyes, as long as she can save her grandfather, it is enough.

"Sister Immortal, although I am willing to give you the Five Poison Beast, but...I don't know where it is..."


Five poisonous beasts.

Only the head of the Tang family knows the location.

After all, it is this treasure.

It's a top secret of the Tang family.

Yae Shenzi looked back and smiled: "It's actually very simple to find the five poisonous beasts..."

I saw her turn backhand.

The Kagura bell has appeared in the palm of my hand.

"Go and help me find the secret passage..."

Accompanied by purple thunder.

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