Firstly, the sea water is too deep, and secondly, there are no treasures.

Hu Tao turned to look at the dumb fish-man and asked, "Can you dive into the sea?"


The dull fishman nodded slowly.

Su Han saw that the other party could dive into the sea and said excitedly: "We really made a lot of money this time... Let's go, I will take you to find Ning Guang."

"But, Su Han...are there really treasures under the sea?"

Hu Tao was still a little unsure.

But look at him so excited.

It seems that this ugly fishman can really bring countless treasures.

Su Han asked back: "Test you... among the seven countries, which country can explore the bottom of the sea?"

"Uh...I don't know."

"Then let me ask you again, since no one is exploring it, then... think about it if we can develop it. What kind of wealth will it be?"

Hu Tao understood instantly.

Liyue will be the first to eat crabs.

If the seabed can be developed.

That's really amazing.

Then, they came to Ningguang.

"What's wrong? Did you get some incredible treasure again..."

Looking at the excited expressions of the two people.

Ning Guang knew there must be good news again.

I saw Su Han excitedly saying: "Ningguang... We have made a fortune. Taotao's luck is simply too strong. Look what this is..."

Ning Guang looked at what he was pointing at.

His brows couldn't help but frown.

What kind of creature is this?

Looks obedient.

The eyes are very dull.

It doesn't even feel as good as the goblins.

However, the opponent's scales shocked Ningguang's heart.

After all, he is a big businessman in Liyue.

He immediately captured what Su Han wanted to say.

"Could this creature explore the sea?"

"Wow...Sister Ningguang, you can guess this!!!"

Hu Tao can only say that he admires him.

It is indeed a Tianquan star.

It's so smart.

Su Han chuckled and said: "Of course... Moreover, it is an exclusive wealth... If successful, we can get all the mineral veins on the seabed."

"Ore vein? You mean..."

Ning Guang's breathing began to quicken.

She originally thought that fishmen came to the bottom of the sea to catch things.

It's equivalent to working for Liyue.

Pick back some fish, shrimps, and some precious medicines.

When Su Han mentioned the mineral veins.

Only then did she realize.

How terrifying is the other party's ambition.

The seabed is in her memory.

It is something that no one can explore.

Maybe the former kingdom of Canria can, but... the current seven countries will definitely not be able to go deep into the sea! ! !

If only we could dig the bottom of the sea.

Liyue is only afraid of getting rich.

"Yes, these fishmen are very weak. But...their ability to reproduce is very fast, and the leading fishman can obey Taotao's orders.

Some precious corals on the seabed and so on.

It goes without saying.

These guys are free to pick.

The most important thing is.

There are richer mineral veins under the sea than on land.

When the murloc tribe slowly develops, we can use them for mining! "

Listen to the picture Su Han painted.

Ning Guang couldn't help but take a breath of air.

At present, among the seven countries, the value of coral is very expensive.

Because they are all in the deep sea.

Picking is really inconvenient.

Now there is a group of races living under the sea.

What does this mean?

Mora really has as much as she wants! ! !

Moreover, they were all picked up.

Especially people from Fontaine Kingdom like jewelry made from this kind of thing very much.

Not to mention the mineral veins.

At present, there is only one giant abyss in Liyue. If seabed minerals can be developed, it will be a huge abyss.

It’s really exciting just thinking about it.

Ning Guanglai looked at the fish-man, was silent for a while, and said, "Would you like to get some of that medicine and give it to this fish-man?"

"What medicine?"

"Of course it's that kind of medicine. Hutao can only summon two... Anyway, just treat them as stallions and keep them offshore first.

Add medicine to its food every day.

When there is no use anymore, summon two more..."

Su Han could only extend his thumb.

It’s indeed Ning Guang.

It's really a great use of these two murlocs.

Hu Tao smiled and said: "I don't have any objection, I will listen to you anyway..."

"Then let's leave this matter to Granu. She is an expert in biology and must let this fish-man give birth to more babies!!!

If she needs anything, I will arrange for someone to cooperate with her.

As for you Hutao, we are all part of Liyue’s family.

Want to buy something.

Just say a word to the General Affairs Department directly..."

Ning Guang is also very wealthy.

Don't even talk about Mora.

After all, we are a family, and if we want to develop the Rebirth Hall, we should directly provide the greatest benefits.

As long as we can open up the sea.

It's worth whatever price you pay.

What does a mere Maura mean?

Then Su Han and Hu Tao came to Su Tang. When they made their intentions clear, the girl with glasses was obviously stunned for a moment.

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